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Название: Научись учиться. Методика эффективного усвоения знаний
Автор: Андрей Хомутов
Издательство: Автор
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF/fb2/epub
Страниц: 88
Размер: 3.8 Mb
Язык: Русский

Казалось бы, что может быть непонятного в процессе обучения, есть программа обучения, есть учебники. Зачем учиться тому, что и так известно, что происходит само собой? А происходит ли? А каковы затраты на этот процесс, и какой результат, какова эффективность? Секрет людей, успешно усваивающих знания, не обладая выдающимися способностями, заключается в техниках и методиках, которые они осознанно или не осознанно применяют в процессе обучения. К сожалению, ни в школе, ни далее не рассказывают, как учиться эффективно. Здесь описан системный подход к процессу обучения.
Разместил: Chipa 21-07-2024, 19:15 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Cybersecurity, Ethics, and Collective Responsibility
Автор: Seumas Miller, Terry Bossomaier
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 385
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 21.8 MB

The advent of the Internet, exponential growth in computing power, and rapid developments in artificial intelligence have raised numerous cybersecurity-related ethical questions in various domains. The dual use character of cybertechnology-that it can be used to provide great benefits to humankind but can also do great harm-means that business (data security, data ownership and privacy), public communication (disinformation and computational propaganda), health (privacy, ransomware attacks), law enforcement (data security, predictive policing) and interstate conflict (cyberwar, autonomous weapons) are of vital interest to cybersecurity ethics. This work analyses the key ethical concepts in the field, such as privacy, freedom of communication, security, and the right to self-defence, and develops sets of ethical guidelines for the regulation of cyberspace in these various domains. From a liberal democratic perspective, Seumas Miller and Terry Bossomaier seek to protect individual rights while ensuring the collective good of cybersecurity. They also pay close attention to institutionally embedded collective moral responsibilities that function as 'webs of prevention' against cyberattacks. These webs, they argue, need new regulation and the redesign of institutional roles, as well as technical countermeasures to cyberattacks, such as passwords, encryption, firewalls, and 'patching.' At times, webs of prevention also involve offensive and defensive measures. In their expert analysis and guidance, Miller and Bossomaier reinforce just how much is at stake in the field of cybersecurity ethics.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 18:40 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Cisco ThousandEyes: Digital Experience Monitoring and Troubleshooting (Early Release)
Автор: Aaron Trompeter, Robert Webb
Издательство: Cisco Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 279
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 21.7 MB

Cisco ThousandEyes delivers expanded visibility, automated insights, and seamless workflows to assure digital experiences across any network―whether on premise, the Internet, or in the cloud. ThousandEyes is the authority when monitoring SaaS, Hybrid, and multi-cloud environments. ThousandEyes helps solve the common problem of network downtime and application performance by performing real time analytics and insights, allowing IT admins to quickly identify and resolve issues for a reduction of downtime and improved user experience. It works on Meraki devices, Webex, Cisco Catalyst 9300 and 9400 switches, Cisco SD-WAN routing platforms, and more. This is a detailed approach to deploying ThousandEyes from Day0 to Day2. With detailed use-cases for ThousandEyes, the book covers best practices with practical insights. This hands-on guide provides realistic details on planning and designing, and demonstrates how to improve performance, availability, and overall mean time. Along the way the author shows how ThousandEyes can be integrated into other Cisco platforms and tools as well as third party tools. It provides everything decision makers and IT professionals need to gain maximum value from ThousandEyes. Each chapter will have a post-test to ensure the reader has grasped each section. The goal of the book is to get you up to speed with the ThousandEyes platform quickly so that you can start creating value for your business.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 18:02 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Для пользы тела. Вкусные диеты от Екатерины Одинцовой
Составитель: Одинцова Е.
Изд-во: Астрель, АСТ
Год: 2009
К-во стр.: 224
Формат: pdf
Размер: 91,9 Мб
Язык: русский

Книга создана по материалам передачи о здоровом питании "Для пользы тела", которая выходит на телеканале "Домашний". Автор рассказывает о своем 20-летнем опыте борьбы с лишним весом, а также дает оценку каждой диете и процедуре и с точки зрения эффективности, и с точки зрения влияния на здоровье. Например, от "кремлевской" диеты могут образоваться камни в почках, полный отказ от жиров может привести к ломкости волос и сухости кожи, горячие обертывания тела могут усилить варикоз, а миостимуляция - привести к росту миомы. Что нужно знать, чтобы похудеть без вреда для здоровья? На какой диете надо сидеть, чтобы не худела грудь? Как низкокалорийную еду сделать вкусной? Ответы на все эти вопросы - перед вами!
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 21-07-2024, 17:41 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Білосніжка (у віршах С. та Ю. Ходосів)
Автор: брати Грімм
Серия: «Улюблені казки у віршах»
Изд-во: Д-к: «Сталкер»
Год: 2003
К-во стр: 12
Формат: pdf
Размер: 6,02 Мб
Язык: Українська

Багатьом казкам братів Грімм понад 200 років. Великі німецькі фольклористи геніально обробили народні історії про вічні істини. Тому їх не перестають читати, ставити на сцені, екранізувати... Це варіант казки братів Грімм «Білосніжка» у віршах Світлани та Юрія Ходосів.
Сюжет неодмінно захопить маленьких читачів, адже в ньому є: красуня героїня, підступна мачуха-відьма, чарівні предмети, вірні друзі, шляхетний принц та пишне весілля. Що буває, якщо зла людина володіє чарами? Як познайомилися Білосніжка та семеро гномів? На що здатна всеперемагаюча любов? Чи добро візьме гору над злом? Ви знайдете відповіді на ці запитання в цій барвистій книзі. Веселі гноми, прекрасний королевич, добра Білосніжка – казка пропонує цілий набір яскравих образів, гідних наслідування.
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 21-07-2024, 15:43 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Arduino Software Internals: A Complete Guide to How Your Arduino Language and Hardware Work Together, 2nd Edition
Автор: Norman Dunbar
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 393
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub (true)
Размер: 18.9 MB

"It's not enough to just build your Arduino projects; it's time to actually learn how things work!" This book goes beyond the basics, providing a comprehensive understanding of Arduino software and hardware, as well as how they intertwine. Gain valuable insights into the inner workings of Arduino and its language, and discover how to communicate with the microcontroller in its native language, AVR C++. Explore the latest version (0.30.0) which offers a multitude of configuration options that can be conveniently modified using the command-line interface (CLI). The Arduino is a great system for getting people into making with electronics and microcontrollers. The Arduino was designed for ease of use, and to this end, the software and the “Arduino Language” hides an awful lot from the maker and developer. Hopefully, by the time you have finished reading this book, you will understand more about what it does and why and, when necessary, how you can bypass the Arduino Language (it’s just C or C++ after all) and use the bare-metal AVR-specific C or C++ code instead. Doing this can lead to more space for your code, faster execution, and lower power requirements—some projects can be run for months on a couple of batteries. This book welcomes everyone with an interest in learning about Arduino, regardless of expertise. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Maker, "Arduino Software Internals" equips you with the knowledge to truly comprehend and leverage the power of Arduino.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 14:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Excel with AI: A Comprehensive Guide to CoPilot and Python Integration
Автор: Hayden Van Der Post
Издательство: Reactive Publishing
Год: 2024
Страниц: 664
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, azw3, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Unlock the Ultimate Power of Excel with AI at Your Fingertips. Dive into the depths of advanced Excel techniques with "Excel with AI", the definitive guide for enthusiasts eager to harness the full potential of Excel through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and programming. Tailored for those who have mastered the basics and are now ready to explore uncharted territories, this book goes beyond the fundamentals to reveal sophisticated methods that will revolutionize your data analysis and automation skills. Discover how to seamlessly integrate Python within Excel using the groundbreaking Py function, unleashing new possibilities for data manipulation, visualization, and analysis. Learn to collaborate effortlessly with AI-powered COPILOT, enhancing your productivity and efficiency. Explore the harmonious synergy between Python and Excel, crafting dynamic solutions that were once unimaginable. And for those who relish the control and flexibility of VBA, delve into advanced scripting techniques to automate complex tasks with precision. Whether you’re a data scientist, analyst, or developer, "Excel with AI" is your comprehensive resource for staying ahead in a world where Excel and AI converge. Packed with real-world examples, step-by-step tutorials, and expert insights, this book ensures you not only understand the concepts but also apply them to solve practical problems.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 13:50 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Пушкин. Мысли на каждый день
Автор: Александр Пушкин
Издательство: АСТ
Год: 2024
Страниц: 72
Формат: pdf
Язык: русский
Размер: 10,9 Мб

Книга «Пушкин. Мысли на каждый день» составлена из фрагментов писем, дневников, записных книжек Александра Сергеевича. В них он делится не только событиями своей жизни, но и мыслями, чувствами, впечатлениями. Эти цитаты позволяют заглянуть в мир великого поэта. Его жизнь и творчество открывают перед нами настоящее приключение. Каждая страница книги – портал в глубины души поэта, где мы можем наблюдать за его волнующими переживаниями, ощущать пульс его времени и чувствовать пламя его страсти.
Разместил: GenT72 21-07-2024, 13:29 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Learning C# Through Small Projects
Автор: Denis Panjuta, Jafar Jabbarzadeh
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 398
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 22.9 MB

In the ever-evolving world of software development, the ability to adapt, learn, and innovate is paramount. C# has emerged as a versatile and powerful language, enabling developers to craft everything from enterprise applications to captivating games. However, the journey to mastering C# can be daunting, especially when faced with dense textbooks and abstract concepts. Learning C# by Small Projects seeks to bridge this gap, offering a hands-on approach to understanding advanced C# concepts through engaging projects and minigames. The rationale behind this book is simple: learning by doing. Instead of wading through pages of theory, you’ll be diving straight into the action, building 11 distinct projects that range from an interactive storytelling program to a responsive Discord chatbot. Each project is meticulously designed to introduce and reinforce specific C# concepts, ensuring that you not only understand the theory but can also apply it in real-world scenarios. The book is structured to provide a gradual learning curve. The initial chapters lay the foundation, introducing you to the basics of C# programming. As you progress, the projects become more intricate, delving into advanced topics such as asynchronous operations, data integrity, and API integration. By the end of the book, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of C# and a portfolio of projects to showcase your skills.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 13:10 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Effective Go Recipes: Fast Solutions to Common Tasks
Автор: Miki Tebeka
Издательство: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Год: April 2024 (Version: P1.0)
Страниц: 269
Язык: английский
Формат: True PDF, True EPUB (Retail EPUB)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Programmers love Go because it is lightweight, easy to work with, and easy to read. Go gives you the benefits of dynamically typed languages (speed of development) while keeping the upsides of strongly typed languages (security and performance). Go is a simple language, but programming in Go is about more than just mastering syntax. There's an art to using Go effectively. Squeeze out the full use of advanced networking and multi-core power for which Go was designed. Save precious coding hours with recipes that help you manage objects, collect garbage, and safely use memory. Tackle Unicode, concurrency, and serialization with ease. All the clean, reusable solutions you need for a wide variety of problems common to Go development. Outfitted with these recipes, your next apps will be more polished and more maintainable than ever. Start out by tackling time and see how the Go time packager provides types that will do most of the heavy lifting for you. Next, work on recipes tailored to the nuances of processing text, like normalizing strings to avoid bugs. From there, whip up some functions on-the-fly and store functions in variables and data structures. Ever wondered why Go seems to be peppered with error handling? Working through the next recipes, you'll discover the benefits, which include more robust code. In the section on HTTP, you'll learn tricks like running multiple HTTP servers on the same port and setting timeouts. With concurrency recipes, you'll limit the number of goroutines to improve performance, give your code awareness of timeouts, and decide when to keep your code sequential instead of making it concurrent. Throughout the book, you'll make Go sizzle following simple recipes and tweaking them to fit your own apps. Using tools like strong typing and concurrency primitives, build a Go codebase that stays maintainable at scale.
Разместил: literator 21-07-2024, 12:25 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

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