WordPress - одна из самых распространенных CMS (систем управления контентом) на планете, что позволяет вам работать с предварительно созданными темами и настроить их в соответствии со своими потребностями и желаниями. Это руководство поможет вам понять основы и далее, опираясь на пошаговые уроки и рекомендации экспертов, сделать ваш блог или сайт. Оно позволит разобраться с новейшей версией WordPress, включая обновление 4.4.
Master the expert skills needed to create better blogs
Master the new update - Get to grips with the newest version of WordPress, including the 4.4 update
20 best WordPress themes - Tour the best themes available right now to help you make your selection
Pro guide to plugins - Take your site to the next level with plugins and add-ons recommended by the experts
Practise with projects - Try your hand at a selection of customisation projects to build on pre-built themes
Also inside... Getting started - The Settings - Use widgets in WordPress - Get to grips with plugins - Manage WordPress Comments - Posting WordPress content - Mastering the Media Library - Getting hosted with WP - Set up a host - Manage your different domains - Control user profiles - Back up your WP blog - Secure your WP site
Themes - Create your own theme - Build a responsive WordPress theme - Customise a WP theme - Convert a static site with a child theme - Create a mobile-friendly site - Transform HTML to WP
Plugins - Edit widgets and plugins - Protect your blog from spam - Increase your site visits with SEO - Add a social author box - Build a WordPress slideshow - Schedule your blog posts
Customisation - Add multiple moving backgrounds - Create an animated logo with CSS3 - Blur and focus your text with Font Font - Build circular on-hover navigation - Create animated buttons with CSS3 - Master animated pop-up effects - Code a fixed image scroll-over effect - Make an animated off-screen 3D menu - Create a rotating product viewer
Beyond WordPress - Master Google Analytics - Speed up WordPress - Create a single input 3D form with CSS3 - Design layered backgrounds in Photoshop - Add an expanding diamond hover effect - Create an eCommerce web element with CSS3
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