Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2018)
Название: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2018) Автор: Leonard Barolli (et al.) Издательство: Springer International Publishing Год: 2018 ISBN: 9783319935539 Серия: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Book 773) Формат: pdf Страниц: L, 950 Размер: 61,9 mb Язык: English
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and electronic devices, there is a rapidly growing interest in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing (UPC). UPC makes it possible to create a human-oriented computing environment where computer chips are embedded in everyday objects and interact with physical world. It also allows users to be online even while moving around, providing them with almost permanent access to their preferred services. Along with a great potential to revolutionize our lives, UPC also poses new research challenges.
An Energy Efficient Scheduling of a Smart Home Based on Optimization Techniques Jamil, Aqib (et al.) Pages 3-14
Differential-Evolution-Earthworm Hybrid Meta-heuristic Optimization Technique for Home Energy Management System in Smart Grid Javaid, Nadeem (et al.) Pages 15-31
Performance Analysis of Simulation System Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Distributed Genetic Algorithm for WMNs Considering Different Distributions of Mesh Clients Barolli, Admir (et al.) Pages 32-45
A Hybrid Flower-Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Home Energy Management in Smart Grid Pamir, (et al.) Pages 46-59
A Fuzzy-Based Approach for Improving Peer Coordination Quality in MobilePeerDroid Mobile System Liu, Yi (et al.) Pages 60-73
A Fuzzy-Based System for Selection of IoT Devices in Opportunistic Networks Considering IoT Device Contact Duration, Storage and Remaining Energy Cuka, Miralda (et al.) Pages 74-85
Efficient Routing in Geographic and Opportunistic Routing for Underwater WSNs Latif, Ghazanfar (et al.) Pages 86-95
Supporting Online/Offline Collaborative Work with WebRTC Application Migration Xhafa, Fatos (et al.) Pages 96-104
One-to-One Routing Protocols for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Considering the Electric Energy Consumption Ogawa, Emi (et al.) Pages 105-115
Virtual Machine Migration Algorithms to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption of a Server Cluster Watanabe, Ryo (et al.) Pages 116-127
Evaluating Motion and Heart Rate Sensors to Measure Intensity of Physical Activity Wister, Miguel A. (et al.) Pages 128-138
Implementation of WiFi P2P Based DTN Routing and Gateway for Disaster Information Networks Uchida, Noriki (et al.) Pages 139-146
A New Contents Delivery Network Mixing on Static/Dynamic Heterogeneous DTN Environment Takabatake, Shoko (et al.) Pages 147-158
Predicate Clustering-Based Entity-Centered Graph Pattern Recognition for Query Extension on the LOD Kim, Jongmo (et al.) Pages 159-170
Discrimination of Eye Blinks and Eye Movements as Features for Image Analysis of the Around Ocular Region for Use as an Input Interface Matsuno, Shogo (et al.) Pages 171-182
Dynamic Group Formation for an Active Learning System Using Smartphone to Improve Learning Motivation Yamamoto, Noriyasu (et al.) Pages 183-189
Evaluation of 13.56 MHz RFID System Considering Communication Distance Between Reader and Tag Fujisaki, Kiyotaka Pages 190-200
An Efficient Routing Protocol via Depth Adjustment and Energy Gradation in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Latif, Ghazanfar (et al.) Pages 201-211
Vulnerability Analysis on the Image-Based Authentication Through the PS/2 Interface Oh, Insu (et al.) Pages 212-219
A Spacecraft AIT Visualization Control System Based on VR Technology Peng, Wei (et al.) Pages 220-230
An Efficient Home Energy Management and Power Trading in Smart Grid Aslam, Sheraz (et al.) Pages 231-241
Hierarchical Based Coordination Strategy to Efficiently Exchange the Power Among Micro-grids Jamil, Aqib (et al.) Pages 242-251
Weighted Cuckoo Search Based Load Balanced Cloud for Green Smart Grids Rahim, Muhammad Hassan (et al.) Pages 252-264
Foged Energy Optimization in Smart Homes Butt, Ayesha Anjum (et al.) Pages 265-275
Short Term Load Forecasting based on Deep Learning for Smart Grid Applications Hafeez, Ghulam (et al.) Pages 276-288
Efficient Resource Allocation Model for Residential Buildings in Smart Grid Using Fog and Cloud Computing Fatima, Aisha (et al.) Pages 289-298
Feature Selection and Extraction Along with Electricity Price Forecasting Using Big Data Analytics Shafi, Isra (et al.) Pages 299-309
Proposal of a Disaster Support Expert System Using Accumulated Empirical Data Ohyanagi, Tatsuya (et al.) Pages 310-319
Proposal of a Regional Knowledge Inheritance System Using Location-Based AR and Historical Maps Ito, Hayato (et al.) Pages 320-328
QoS Management for Virtual Reality Contents Takayama, Ko (et al.) Pages 329-335
A Webshell Detection Technology Based on HTTP Traffic Analysis Yang, Wenchuan (et al.) Pages 336-342
Enhanced Secure ZigBee Light Link Protocol Based on Network Key Update Mechanism Yang, Jun (et al.) Pages 343-353
Intrusion Detection Model Based on GA Dimension Reduction and MEA-Elman Neural Network Zhang, Ze (et al.) Pages 354-365
Location Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Random Encryption Period in VANETs Gao, Tianhan (et al.) Pages 366-374
An Improvement RFID Security Authentication Protocol Based on Hash Function Sun, Haowen (et al.) Pages 375-384
Classifying Malicious URLs Using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks Zhao, Jingling (et al.) Pages 385-394
A Fast PQ Hash Code Indexing Shan, Jingsong (et al.) Pages 395-402
Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Direct Energy Trading Zhao, Nan (et al.) Pages 403-411
Improve Memory for Alzheimer Patient by Employing Mind Wave on Virtual Reality with Deep Learning Mohammed Al-shammari, Marwan Kadhim (et al.) Pages 412-419
Fast FFT-Based Inference in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks Xie, Bo (et al.) Pages 420-431
Cognitive Informatics Approaches for Data Sharing and Management in Cloud Computing Ogiela, Marek R. (et al.) Pages 432-437
Implementation of Lane Detection Algorithm for Self-driving Vehicles Using Tensor Flow Park, Hyunhee Pages 438-447
Design and Implementation of Cognitive System of Children’s Education Based on RFID Gan, Hongyu (et al.) Pages 448-455
Delay Optimization for Mobile Cloud Computing Application Offloading in Smart Cities Guo, Shan (et al.) Pages 456-466
Joint User Association and Power Allocation for Minimizing Multi-bitrate Video Transmission Delay in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks Wang, Hong (et al.) Pages 467-478
Cyber-Physical Sensors and Devices for the Provision of Next-Generation Personalized Services Bordel, Borja (et al.) Pages 479-490
Device Stand-by Management of IoT: A Framework for Dealing with Real-World Device Fault in City Platform as a Service Yamakami, Toshihiko Pages 491-502
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