Название: Information Security and Privacy: 23rd Australasian Conference, ACISP 2018, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, July 11-13, 2018, Proceedings Автор: Willy Susilo, Guomin Yang Издательство: Springer International Publishing Год: 2018 ISBN: 9783319936376 Формат: pdf Страниц: XV, 833 Размер: 23,6 mb Язык: English
The 41 revised full papers and 10 short papers presented were carefully revised and selected from 136 submissions. The papers present theories, techniques, implementations, applications and practical experiences on a variety of topics such as foundations, symmetric-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, cloud security, post-quantum cryptography, security protocol, system and network security, and blockchain and cryptocurrency.
A Deterministic Algorithm for Computing Divisors in an Interval Peng, Liqiang (et al.) Pages 3-12
Reusable Fuzzy Extractor from LWE Wen, Yunhua (et al.) Pages 13-27
A Reusable Fuzzy Extractor with Practical Storage Size: Modifying Canetti et al.’s Construction Cheon, Jung Hee (et al.) Pages 28-44
21 - Bringing Down the Complexity: Fast Composable Protocols for Card Games Without Secret State David, Bernardo (et al.) Pages 45-63
Efficient Bit-Decomposition and Modulus-Conversion Protocols with an Honest Majority Kikuchi, Ryo (et al.) Pages 64-82
Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on Hyperplane Geometry with Its Applications to Optimal Resilient Proactive Cryptosystems Xia, Zhe (et al.) Pages 83-100
Towards Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computations: Multikey FHE Without a CRS Kim, Eunkyung (et al.) Pages 101-113
Robust Multiparty Computation with Faster Verification Time Paul, Souradyuti (et al.) Pages 114-131
Distributed Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Ciphers Heys, Howard M. Pages 135-153
New Iterated RC4 Key Correlations Ito, Ryoma (et al.) Pages 154-171
A New Framework for Finding Nonlinear Superpolies in Cube Attacks Against Trivium-Like Ciphers Ye, Chendong (et al.) Pages 172-187
Differential Attacks on Reduced Round LILLIPUT Marri?re, Nicolas (et al.) Pages 188-206
Bounds on Differential and Linear Branch Number of Permutations Sarkar, Sumanta (et al.) Pages 207-224
Keyed Sponge with Prefix-Free Padding: Independence Between Capacity and Online Queries Without the Suffix Key Naito, Yusuke Pages 225-242
Forward-Secure Linkable Ring Signatures Boyen, Xavier (et al.) Pages 245-264
Revocable Identity-Based Encryption from the Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem Hu, Ziyuan (et al.) Pages 265-283
Private Functional Signatures: Definition and Construction Li, Shimin (et al.) Pages 284-303
Linkable Group Signature for Auditing Anonymous Communication Zheng, Haibin (et al.) Pages 304-321
Auditable Hierarchy-Private Public-Key Encryption Zhong, Lin (et al.) Pages 322-340
Key-Updatable Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search: Models and Generic Constructions Anada, Hiroaki (et al.) Pages 341-359
Anonymous Identity-Based Encryption with Identity Recovery Ma, Xuecheng (et al.) Pages 360-375
Asymmetric Subversion Attacks on Signature Schemes Liu, Chi (et al.) Pages 376-395
Intrusion-Resilient Public Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing Xu, Yan (et al.) Pages 399-416
Secure Publicly Verifiable Computation with Polynomial Commitment in Cloud Computing Shen, Jian (et al.) Pages 417-430
Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rule on Outsourced Cloud Data from Multiple Parties Liu, Lin (et al.) Pages 431-451
Cryptanalysis of the Randomized Version of a Lattice-Based Signature Scheme from PKC’08 Li, Haoyu (et al.) Pages 455-466
Complete Attack on RLWE Key Exchange with Reused Keys, Without Signal Leakage Ding, Jintai (et al.) Pages 467-486
Efficient Decryption Algorithms for Extension Field Cancellation Type Encryption Schemes Wang, Yacheng (et al.) Pages 487-501
Lattice-Based Universal Accumulator with Nonmembership Arguments Yu, Zuoxia (et al.) Pages 502-519
Lattice-Based Dual Receiver Encryption and More Zhang, Daode (et al.) Pages 520-538
Anonymous Identity-Based Hash Proof System from Lattices in the Standard Model Lai, Qiqi (et al.) Pages 539-557
Post-Quantum One-Time Linkable Ring Signature and Application to Ring Confidential Transactions in Blockchain (Lattice RingCT v1.0) Alberto Torres, Wilson Abel (et al.) Pages 558-576
Secure Contactless Payment K?l?n?, Handan (et al.) Pages 579-597
New Attacks and Secure Design for Anonymous Distance-Bounding Ahmadi, Ahmad (et al.) Pages 598-616
Automatically Identifying Security Bug Reports via Multitype Features Analysis Zou, Deqing (et al.) Pages 619-633
A Practical Privacy Preserving Protocol in Database-Driven Cognitive Radio Networks Zeng, Yali (et al.) Pages 634-648
TDDAD: Time-Based Detection and Defense Scheme Against DDoS Attack on SDN Controller Cui, Jie (et al.) Pages 649-665
Fast Lottery-Based Micropayments for Decentralized Currencies Hu, Kexin (et al.) Pages 669-686
Z-Channel: Scalable and Efficient Scheme in Zerocash Zhang, Yuncong (et al.) Pages 687-705
Revisiting the Incentive Mechanism of Bitcoin-NG Yin, Jiayuan (et al.) Pages 706-719
Decentralized Blacklistable Anonymous Credentials with Reputation Yang, Rupeng (et al.) Pages 720-738
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