Название: Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications Автор: Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir Издательство: Springer International Publishing Год: 2018 ISBN: 9783319745008 Серия: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Book 37) Формат: epub, pdf Страниц: XXXVII, 1046 Размер: 148,6 mb Язык: English
This proceedings book showcases the latest research work presented at the Second Edition of the Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Application (SCAMS 2017), which was held in Tangier, Morocco on October 15–27, 2017. It presents original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences that concentrate on both theory and practice. It includes papers from all areas of Smart City Applications, e.g. Smart Mobility, Big Data, Smart Grids, Smart Homes and Buildings, clouds, crowds, mashups, social networks, and security issues.
The conference stimulated cutting-edge research discussions among pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world. The topics covered in this book also focus on innovative issues at the international level by bringing together experts from different countries. The scope of SCAMS 2017 included methods and practices that combine various emerging internetworking and data technologies to capture, integrate, analyze, mine, annotate, and visualize data in a meaningful and collaborative manner. A series of international workshops were organized as invited sessions during the SCAMS 2017:The 2nd International Workshop on Smart Learning & Innovative EducationsThe 1st International Workshop on Smart HealthcareThe 1st International Workshop on Mathematics for Smart CityThe 1st International Workshop Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
Logical Model of AS Implementing IPv6 Addressing Izem, Acia (et al.) Pages 3-16
Model Driven Modernization and Cloud Migration Framework with Smart Use Case Sabiri, Khadija (et al.) Pages 17-27
SDL Modeling and Validation of Home Area Network in Smart Grid Systems Soufiane, Zahid (et al.) Pages 28-43
Automatics Tools and Methods for Patents Analysis: Efficient Methodology for Patent Document Clustering Khammal, Ayoub (et al.) Pages 44-53
Impact of Aggregation and Deterrence Function Choice on the Parameters of Gravity Model Sbai, Asma (et al.) Pages 54-66
A Semantic Web Architecture for Context Recommendation System in E-learning Applications Bouihi, Bouchra (et al.) Pages 67-73
BECAMEDA: A Customizable Method to Specify and Verify the Behavior of Multi-agent Systems Haqiq, Abdelhay (et al.) Pages 74-86
Ontology of the CBA: Towards Operationalization and Implementation Sedra, Malika (et al.) Pages 87-94
IT Collaboration Based on Actor Network Theory: Actors Identification Through Data Quality Benqatla, Mohammed Salim (et al.) Pages 95-106
Allocation of Static and Dynamic Wireless Power Transmitters Within the Port of Le Havre Mouhrim, Nisrine (et al.) Pages 107-121
Using the CBR Dynamic Method to Correct the Generates Learning Path in the Adaptive Learning System El Ghouch, Nihad (et al.) Pages 122-128
Noisy Satellite Image Segmentation Using Statistical Features El Fellah, Salma (et al.) Pages 129-135
Including Personality Traits, Inferred from Social Networks, in Building Next Generation of AEHS Andaloussi, Kenza Sakout (et al.) Pages 136-148
Embedded Systems HW/SW Partitioning Based on Lagrangian Relaxation Method Iguider, Adil (et al.) Pages 149-160
Multi-Agent System for Arabic Text Categorization Gouiouez, Mounir (et al.) Pages 161-174
A Data Processing System to Monitor Emissions from Thermal Plants in Morocco Akram Zaytar, Mohamed (et al.) Pages 175-187
Detection and Classification of Malwares in Mobile Applications Ilham, Soussi (et al.) Pages 188-199
Head Gesture Recognition Using Optical Flow Based Background Subtraction Chraa Mesbahi, Soukaina (et al.) Pages 200-211
An Intelligent Model for Enterprise Resource Planning Selection Based on BP Neural Network Elyacoubi, Amine (et al.) Pages 212-222
Discrete Wavelet Transform and Classifiers for Appliances Recognition Cherraqi, El Bouazzaoui (et al.) Pages 223-232
Cloud-Based Integrated Information System for Medical Offices Landry, Sanou (et al.) Pages 233-241
A Game Theoretic Approach for Cloud Computing Security Assessment Using Moving Target Defense Mechanisms Mir, Iman (et al.) Pages 242-254
Ensuring Security in Cloud Computing Using Access Control: A Survey Sifou, Fatima (et al.) Pages 255-264
Fuzzy C-Means Based Hierarchical Routing Approach for Homogenous WSN Mahboub, Aziz (et al.) Pages 265-275
The Allocation of Submissions in Online Peer Assessment: What Can an Assessor Model Provide in This Context? Abrache, Mohamed-Amine (et al.) Pages 276-287
Combined Mean Shift and Interactive Multiple Model for Visual Tracking by Fusing Multiple Cues Dhassi, Younes (et al.) Pages 288-297
A New Task Scheduling Algorithm for Improving Tasks Execution Time in Cloud Computing Er-raji, Naoufal (et al.) Pages 298-304
Big data: Methods, Prospects, Techniques Kaoutar, Lamrani (et al.) Pages 305-312
CDT to Detect Co-residence in Cloud Computing Boukhriss, Hicham (et al.) Pages 313-323
A Multi-layer Architecture for Services Management in IoT Zannou, Abderrahim (et al.) Pages 324-334
Backpropagation Issues with Deep Feedforward Neural Networks Korchi, Anas (et al.) Pages 335-343
Contribution of Pedagogical Agents to Motivate Learners in Online Learning Environments: The Case of the PAOLE Agent Bendou, Abdelkrim (et al.) Pages 344-356
A Modular Multi-agent Architecture for Smart Parking System Hassoune, Khaoula (et al.) Pages 357-365
Visual Vehicle Localization System for Smart Parking Application Lahdili, Hicham (et al.) Pages 366-378
RNA Secondary Structure an Overview El Fatmi, Abdelhakim (et al.) Pages 379-388
A Game Theoretical Based Self-organization Dispatching Mechanism with IEEE802.16 Mesh Networks in Public Bicycle Station Scheduling Yu, Jun (et al.) Pages 389-396
Amazigh Speech Recognition System Based on CMUSphinx Telmem, Meryam (et al.) Pages 397-410
An Improved Competency Meta-model for Adaptive Learning Systems Maryam, El Asame (et al.) Pages 411-419
A Noise-Free Homomorphic Evaluation of the AES Circuits to Optimize Secure Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing EL-Yahyaoui, Ahmed (et al.) Pages 420-431
Compact CPW-Fed Microstrip Octagonal Patch Antenna with Hilbert Fractal Slots for WLAN and WIMAX Applications Tarbouch, Mohamed (et al.) Pages 432-444
MultiPrime Cloud-RSA Scheme to Promote Data Confidentiality in the Cloud Environment El Makkaoui, Khalid (et al.) Pages 445-452
Relationship Between Smart City Drivers and Socially Cohesive Societies Oke, Ayodeji E. (et al.) Pages 453-462
Appraisal of Smartization of Major Cities in South Africa Oke, Ayodeji E. (et al.) Pages 463-469
Sentiment Analysis in Social Media with a Semantic Web Based Approach: Application to the French Presidential Elections 2017 El Hamdouni, Mohamed (et al.) Pages 470-482
A General Overview of 3D RNA Structure Prediction Approaches Chentoufi, Arakil (et al.) Pages 483-489
Proposition of a Parallel and Distributed Algorithm for the Dimensionality Reduction with Apache Spark Zbakh, Abdelali (et al.) Pages 490-501
Toward an Intelligent Traffic Management Based on Big Data for Smart City Karouani, Yassine (et al.) Pages 502-514
Comparison of Fuzzy and Neural Networks Controller for MPPT of Photovoltaic Modules Ibnelouad, Aouatif (et al.) Pages 515-527
A Ubiquitous Students Responses System for Connected Classrooms Karkouch, Aimad (et al.) Pages 528-537
A Cyber-Physical Power Distribution Management System for Smart Buildings Hamdaoui, Youssef (et al.) Pages 538-550
Amazigh PoS Tagging Using Machine Learning Techniques Samir, Amri (et al.) Pages 551-562
Training and Evaluation of TreeTagger on Amazigh Corpus Samir, Amri (et al.) Pages 563-573
Knowledge-Based Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS) for Trends Assessment of Settlements Suitability Lagrab, Waleed (et al.) Pages 574-586
Big Data Analytics: A Comparison of Tools and Applications Alaoui, Imane (et al.) Pages 587-601
Towards Smart Urban Freight Distribution Using Fleets of Modular Electric Vehicles Rezgui, Dhekra (et al.) Pages 602-612
Entropic Method for 3D Point Cloud Simplification Mahdaoui, Abdelaaziz (et al.) Pages 613-621
Human Daily Activity Recognition Using Neural Networks and Ontology-Based Activity Representation Oukrich, Nadia (et al.) Pages 622-633
Analysis of Energy Production and Consumption Prediction Approaches in Smart Grids El Khaouat, Atimad (et al.) Pages 634-642
Toward a Smart Tourism Recommender System: Applied to Tangier City Aarab, Zineb (et al.) Pages 643-651
Iris Recognition Algorithm Analysis and Implementation Kichou, Siham (et al.) Pages 652-663
Optimization of Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing: A Review Hicham, Gibet Tani (et al.) Pages 664-672
Improving Online Search Process in the Big Data Environment Using Apache Spark Aoulad Abdelouarit, Karim (et al.) Pages 673-683
An E-learning Labs Platform for Moroccan Universities El Kbiach, Mohammed l’Bachir (et al.) Pages 687-696
Using Decision Making AHP Method for the Choice of the Best Pedagogical Method for Developing Reading Skills for Young and Illiterate Public Chaabi, Hasn?? (et al.) Pages 697-709
Learners’ Motivation Analysis in Serious Games Bakkali Yedri, Othman (et al.) Pages 710-723
Scoring Candidates in the Adaptive Test Hajji, Tarik (et al.) Pages 724-731
Learning Management System and the Underlying Learning Theories Ouadoud, Mohammed (et al.) Pages 732-744
Knowledge Acquisition for an Expert System for Diabetic Ali, Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed Pages 747-758
Quality Control Results for Linear Accelerator at Oncology Center in Nouakchott Ould Mohamed Yeslem, Ahmed El Mouna (et al.) Pages 759-765
A Hybrid Approach for French Medical Entity Recognition and Normalization Imane, Allaouzi (et al.) Pages 766-777
Analysis of Evolutionary Trends of Incidence and Mortality by Cancers Saoud, Hajar (et al.) Pages 778-788
Simplified and Efficient Framework for Securing Medical Image Processing Over Cloud Computing Marwan, Mbarek (et al.) Pages 789-802
AWS for Health Care System Bouslama, Abdelilah (et al.) Pages 803-809
Comparative Study of Different Open-Source Hospital Information Systems in Order to Develop an Application for the Healthcare Institution’s Needs in Morocco Bouidi, Youssef (et al.) Pages 810-823
Using Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud-Based Medical Image Processing: Opportunities and Challenges Marwan, Mbarek (et al.) Pages 824-835
Impact of the Multi-criteria Methods in Supporting Abdessadak, Jihane (et al.) Pages 839-851
Computer Vision Control System for Food Industry Ibrahim, Hadj Baraka (et al.) Pages 852-872
Improvement of Scheduling, Assignment of Tools on Assembly Machines Connected to a Supervision Interface Yassine, El Fekri (et al.) Pages 873-883
Contribution of Industrial Information Systems to Industrial Performance: Case of Industrial Supervision Ahmed, Derboul (et al.) Pages 884-901
Prediction of Temperature Gradient on Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Part Using 3-Dimensional Finite Element Method Abattouy, Mohammed (et al.) Pages 902-909
Interaction Between the VaR of Cash Flow and the Interest Rate Using the ALM Hachloufi, Mostafa (et al.) Pages 913-918
Optimal Reinsurance Under CTV Risk Measure Attar, Abderrahim (et al.) Pages 919-930
Influence of Wall Deformation on a Slip Length Assoudi, Redouane (et al.) Pages 931-936
Existence of Sign Changing Radial Solutions for Elliptic Equation Involving the p-Laplacian on Exterior Domains Azeroual, Boubker (et al.) Pages 937-960
On the Linear Essential Spectrum Operator Outouzzalt, Hassan Pages 961-965
Complex Event Processing and Role-Based Access Control Implementation in ESN Middleware Rouchdi, Yassir (et al.) Pages 966-975
Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Management Moufaddal, Mariam (et al.) Pages 976-986
Modeling and Resolution of Consumer Behavior Problem in both Periods Active/Retired Goumi, Badreddine (et al.) Pages 987-996
The Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives: Caps/Floors and the Construction of the Yield Curve Kouaiba, Ghizlane (et al.) Pages 997-1005
Stochastic Model of Economic Growth with Heterogeneous Technology and Technological Upgrading Jamali Alaoui, Amine (et al.) Pages 1006-1014
Optimization of Design of Wind Farm Layout for Maximum Wind Energy Capture: A New Constructive Approach Tifroute, Mohamed (et al.) Pages 1015-1027
Some Properties of Pettis Integrable Multivalued Martingales El-Louh, M’hamed (et al.) Pages 1028-1034
Optimization of Actuarial Calculation Processes by Application of Stochastic Methods Zahi, Jamal (et al.) Pages 1035-1041
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