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Official Kubotan Techniques

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 14-07-2017, 19:18
  • Комментариев: 0
Official Kubotan TechniquesНазвание: Official Kubotan Techniques
Автор: T. Kubota, J.G. Peters
Издательство: Reliapon Police Products
ISBN: 0923401016
Год: 1983
Язык: английский
Страниц: 56
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19.55 MB

Куботан, разработанный мастером Такаюки Куботой, представляет собой цилиндрический кусок пластмассы длиной 5,5 дюйма, который при правильном использовании будет контролировать подозреваемого, независимо от его размера, даже самым маленьким полицейским. Он не кажется угрожающим и на самом деле очень безвредно выглядит в виде брелка. Его небольшие размеры делают его идеальным для ношения полицейскими, детективами или офицерами по условно-досрочному освобождению, или кем-либо еще, кто занимается правоохранительной деятельностью.

Эта книга с 114 фотографиями содержит самые полные и самые всесторонние методы тренировки приемов, использующих Куботан. Она посвящена безопасности полицейских, их профессионализму и выживанию.

The Kubotan, developed by Master Takayuki Kubota, is a 5.5 inch long cylindrical piece of plastic which, when used properly, will control a suspect, regardless of his size, by even the smallest officer. It does not appear offensive and is actually very harmless looking with one model made with a key ring. Its small size makes it ideal to be carried by uniformed officers, detectives, corrections or parole officers, or anyone else who deals in law enforcement. The Kubotan can be held in an officer's hand, under his citation book, readily available if the offense develops into an altercation. A handcuff key may be attached to the Kubotan key ring model, making the Kubotan always available when removing nandcufls from a suspect.

Another advantage of the Kubotan is that it can be carried with an officer ai all times - both on and off duty - and is always readily available in a pocket, stuck in the belt, or just carried in the hand. All too often an officer is trained to use a baton or similar tool, only to find it is left in the patrof car when needed, or that the officer is not in uniform and unable to carry it.

The Kubotan shouldn't be carried unless ihe officer has been trained in it's use. A minimum amount of training is required lo learn the six basic techniques and other applications illustrated in this manual. With proper instruction, virtually any law enforcement officer will have a tool which will enable him to do his job more effectively and safely, while minimizing injury to the suspect.

This book, with 114 photographs, contains the most complete and most comprehensive training techniques utilizing the Kubotan. It is dedicated to officer safety, to professionalism and to surviaval.

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