- литература в один клик

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 24-04-2024, 05:19
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Programming Ruby 3.3: The Pragmatic Programmers Guide
Автор: Noel Rappin
Издательство: The Pragmatic Programmers
Год: January 2024 (Version: P1.0)
Страниц: 698
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Ruby is one of the most important programming languages in use for web development. It powers the Rails framework, which is the backing of some of the most important sites on the web. The Pickaxe Book, named for the tool on the cover, is the definitive reference on Ruby, a highly-regarded, fully object-oriented programming language. This updated edition is a comprehensive reference on the language itself, with a tutorial on the most important features of Ruby - including pattern matching and Ractors - and describes the language through Ruby 3.3. Would you like to go from first idea to working code much, much faster? Do you currently spend more time satisfying the compiler instead of your clients or end users? Are you frustrated with demanding languages that seem to get in your way instead of helping you get the work done? Are you using Rails and want to dig deeper into the underlying Ruby language? If so, then we've got a language and book for you! This comprehensive reference manual for Ruby includes a description of the most important standard library modules, built-in classes, and modules. It also includes all the new and changed syntax and semantics introduced through Ruby 3.2, including pattern matching and Ractors, and describes the language through Ruby 3.3.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 20:03
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: The Quick Python Book, 4th Edition (MEAP v1)
Автор: Naomi Ceder
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 185
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

A fast-paced introduction to Python for intermediate developers–now with coverage of generative AI! The Quick Python Book has helped over 100,000 developers get up to speed in Python. This revised Fourth Edition covers Python’s latest features, control structures, and libraries, plus new coverage of working with AI-generated Python code. Whether you’re new to Python or looking to advance your basic skills, The Quick Python Book, Fourth Edition will get you writing effective Python code fast. It concisely covers programming basics, while introducing Python's comprehensive standard library and unique features in depth and detail. You'll also learn to make the best use of AI coding tools like Copilot and Google's Colaboratory (Colab), comparing and contrasting human and AI code, and developing a mindset that can make the most of AI. The Quick Python Book, Fourth Edition is the definitive guide to the Python language, written by Python authority and former Chair of the Python Software Foundation Board or Directors Naomi Ceder. With the personal touch of a skilled teacher, Naomi beautifully balances details of the language with the insights and advice you need to handle any task. You’ll learn skills you can turn to doing almost anything with Python—from analyzing data, to writing scripts, and even developing software. Plus, quick-check questions, end-of-chapter labs, and a final case study all help consolidate your knowledge. For readers familiar with the basics of programming who are interested in learning Python.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 17:58
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
Автор: Jingjing Li, Lei Zhu, Zhekai Du
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Machine Learning: Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 234
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 37.8 MB

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a challenging problem in Machine Learning where the model is trained on a source domain with labeled data and tested on a target domain with unlabeled data. In recent years, UDA has received significant attention from the research community due to its applicability in various real-world scenarios. This book provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art UDA methods and explores new variants of UDA that have the potential to advance the field. Domain adaptation refers to the Machine Learning techniques that enable models trained on data from a source domain to perform well on a different but related target domain. This chapter provides the necessary background on transfer learning and its relationship to domain adaptation. We define the domain adaptation problem and discuss the categorization of domain adaptation techniques into supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised paradigms. The rest of the book will focus specifically on unsupervised domain adaptation. We motivate the need for unsupervised domain adaptation, discuss its advantages over other paradigms, and provide a high-level overview of the common approaches and techniques. This book summarizes their latest advances in unsupervised domain adaptation. The extensive technical coverage offers both consolidating perspectives on fundamental theory as well as exposure to latest advancements driving progress in the field. It is our hope that this book can serve as an accessible guide for new researchers as well as an insightful reference for experienced academics pursuing advancements in this rapidly evolving field. The passion and insights gathered here may seed innovative ideas that lead to breakthroughs in unsupervised domain adaptation.
  • Добавил: Chipa
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 08:39
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Креативный программист
Автор: Грунефелд Ваутер
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 274
Размер: 49 Mb
Язык: Русский

Подобно написанию музыки, созданию нового бизнеса или планированию маркетинговой кампании, программирование является творческой деятельностью. Так же, как и техническим навыкам, креативности можно научиться и улучшать ее, постоянно практикуясь! Вооружитесь методами, позволяющими обратить креативность на пользу более эффективному решению проблем, повышению производительности и созданию более совершенного программного обеспечения.

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 06:18
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Understanding Python re(gex)? Example based guide to mastering Python regular expressions
Автор: Sundeep Agarwal
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-03-21
Страниц: 122
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from input data or modify them from one format to another. This book will help you learn Python Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs. The book heavily leans on examples to present features of regular expressions one by one. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them. Understanding both the nature of input strings and the output produced is essential. As an analogy, consider learning to drive a car — no matter how much you read about them or listen to explanations, you'd need practical experience to become proficient. Both the standard re module and the popular third-party regex module are covered in this book. Exercises are also included to test your understanding. You should be familiar with programming basics. You should also have a working knowledge of Python syntax and features like string formats, string methods and list comprehensions. You are also expected to get comfortable with reading manuals, searching online, visiting external links provided for further reading, tinkering with illustrated examples, asking for help when you are stuck and so on. In other words, be proactive and curious instead of just consuming the content passively. If you have prior experience with a programming language but not Python, see my curated list of learning resources before starting this book.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 05:31
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Painless Docker: Unlock the Power of Docker and its Ecosystem, 2024 Edition
Автор: Aymen El Amri
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-12-03
Страниц: 317
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Docker is a powerful tool, but learning how to use it effectively can be time-consuming. If you are used to the old paradigms of development and deployment, this paradigm shift to Docker's containerization can be challenging, as it introduces completely new concepts and workflows. Docker's approach to isolated environments, image management, and microservice architecture requires a significant shift in understanding from traditional methods. Many engineers and developers feel overwhelmed by the rapidly growing cloud and containerization ecosystem, making it challenging for them to enter the world of containers. For developers, system administrators, QA engineers, operation engineers, architects, and anyone faced to work in one of these environments in collaboration with the other or simply in an environment that requires knowledge in development, integration, and system administration. Historically, the worlds of developers and sysadmins operated in parallel silos, each with its own distinct mindset and set of challenges. Developers were often driven by the mandate to innovate and deliver new features.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-04-2024, 02:48
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers
Автор: Guilherme Orlandini Heurich
Издательство: UCL Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 212
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub (true), mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Software applications have taken over our lives. We use and are used by software many times a day. Nevertheless, we know very little about the invisibly ubiquitous workers who write software. Who are they and how do they perceive their own practice? How does that shape the ways in which they collaborate to build the myriad of apps that we use every day? Coderspeak provides a critical approach to the digital transformation of our world through an engaging and thoughtful analysis of the people who write software. It is a focused and in-depth look at one programming language and its community – Ruby - based on ethnographic research at a London company and conversations with members of the wider Ruby community in Europe, the Americas and Japan. One of the philosophies of the Ruby language (and of its community) is that there are many ways of doing something. Everything is open for modification in Ruby. Elements that most language designers wouldn’t allow programmers to change, Ruby allows. With Ruby you are free to add what you want – although, as we’ll see, not everyone agrees that’s a good idea. Being able to extend the language is key to Ruby’s philosophy, however, and blocks are a key structure for the programmer to exercise this freedom to extend the language. A block can do anything: that’s why it is the one mandatory structure in the Ruby language. If you think in blocks, then Ruby is for you. It fits your brain and it makes you happy.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 22-04-2024, 21:15
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Understanding jаvascript RegExp: Example based guide to mastering jаvascript regular expressions
Автор: Sundeep Agarwal
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-10-26
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from input data or modify them from one format to another. This book will help you learn jаvascript Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs. The book heavily leans on examples to present features of regular expressions one by one. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them. Make an effort to understand the sample input as well as the solution presented and check if the output changes (or not!) when you alter some part of the input and the code. As an analogy, consider learning to drive a car — no matter how much you read about them or listen to explanations, you'd need practical experience to become proficient. Regular Expressions is a versatile tool for text processing. You'll find them included as part of the standard library of most programming languages that are used for scripting purposes. If not, you can usually find a third-party library. Exercises are included to test your understanding. Reference solutions are also provided. You should be familiar with programming basics. You should also have a working knowledge of jаvascript syntax and functional programming concepts like map and filter.
  • Добавил: Chipa
  • Дата: 22-04-2024, 19:20
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Микросервисы и API
Автор: Хосе Антонио Аро
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 468
Размер: 69 Mb
Язык: Русский

Простые и понятные API — необходимое условие успеха микросервисных приложений. Хорошо продуманные API гарантируют надежную интеграцию сервисов и помогают упростить сопровождение, масштабирование и дальнейшее совершенствование. Познакомьтесь с паттернами, протоколами и стратегиями, которые помогут вам проектировать, реализовывать и развертывать эффективные микросервисы с REST и GraphQL API.

  • Добавил: Chipa
  • Дата: 22-04-2024, 18:55
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: C++20 для программистов
Автор: Дейтел Пол
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 1059
Размер: 180 Mb
Язык: Русский

Программисты с опытом работы на других языках высокого уровня смогут на практике освоить современный С++ и «большую четверку» его новых возможностей: диапазоны, концепты, модули и корутины.