- литература в один клик

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 11-02-2022, 07:42
  • Комментариев: 0
Managing Cloud Native Data on Kubernetes (Third Early Release)Название: Managing Cloud Native Data on Kubernetes: Architecting Cloud Native Data Services using Open Source Technology (Third Early Release)
Автор: Jeff Carpenter, Patrick McFadin
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022-02-09
Страниц: 221
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.3 MB

Kubernetes has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separate infrastructure for applications and data, this practical guide can help. Using Kubernetes as your platform, you'll discover open source technologies that are designed and built for the cloud. Delve into case studies to avoid the pitfalls others have faced and explore new use cases. Get an insider's view of what's coming from the innovators who are creating next-generation architectures and infrastructure.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 11-02-2022, 07:20
  • Комментариев: 0
PHP Cookbook: Modern Code Solutions for Professional PHP Developers (Early Release)Название: PHP Cookbook: Modern Code Solutions for Professional PHP Developers (Early Release)
Автор: Eric A Mann
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022-02-10
Страниц: 99
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

If you're a PHP developer looking for proven solutions to common problems, this cookbook provides code recipes to help you resolve numerous scenarios. By leveraging modern versions of PHP through version 8.1, these self-contained recipes provide fully realized solutions that can help you solve similar problems in your day-to-day work. Whether you're new to development or merely new to PHP, these recipes will help you unpack the most powerful features of this programming language.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 11-02-2022, 06:46
  • Комментариев: 0
MATLAB & Simulink Coverage Reference (R2021b)Название: MATLAB & Simulink Coverage Reference (R2021b)
Автор: MathWorks
Издательство: The MathWorks, Inc.
Год: 2022
Страниц: 210
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

Simulink Coverage performs model and code coverage analysis that measures testing completeness in models and generated code. It applies industry-standard metrics such as decision, condition, modified condition/decision coverage (MCDC), and relational boundary coverage to assess the effectiveness of simulation testing in models, software-in-the-loop (SIL), and processor-in-the-loop (PIL). You can use missing coverage data to find gaps in testing, missing requirements, or unintended functionality.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 11-02-2022, 06:27
  • Комментариев: 0
Head First Java, 3rd EditionНазвание: Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide, 3rd Edition
Автор: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Trisha Gee
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: December 2021: Third Edition
Страниц: 226
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 16.8 MB

Ready to learn Java? This book combines puzzles, strong visuals, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects to engage you in many different ways. It's fast, it's fun, and it's effective. And despite its playful appearance, Head First Java is serious stuff: a complete introduction to object-oriented programming and Java. You'll learn everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 10-02-2022, 20:17
  • Комментариев: 0
Essential Math for AI: Next-Level Mathematics for Developing Efficient and Successful AI Systems (3rd Early Release)Название: Essential Math for AI: Next-Level Mathematics for Developing Efficient and Successful AI Systems (3rd Early Release)
Автор: Hala Nelson
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022-02-10
Страниц: 190
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Companies are scrambling to integrate AI into their systems and operations. But to build truly successful solutions, you need a firm grasp of the underlying mathematics. This accessible guide walks you through the math necessary to thrive in the AI field such as focusing on real-world applications rather than dense academic theory. Engineers, data scientists, and students alike will examine mathematical topics critical for AI--including regression, neural networks, optimization, backpropagation, convolution, Markov chains, and more--through popular applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and automated systems. And supplementary Jupyter notebooks shed light on examples with Python code and visualizations. Whether you're just beginning your career or have years of experience, this book gives you the foundation necessary to dive deeper in the field.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 10-02-2022, 18:51
  • Комментариев: 0
Cloud Native Infrastructure with Azure: Building and Managing Cloud Native Applications (Final)Название: Cloud Native Infrastructure with Azure: Building and Managing Cloud Native Applications (Final)
Автор: Nishant Singh and Michael Kehoe
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022
Страниц: 550
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

The cloud is becoming the de facto home for companies ranging from enterprises to startups. Moving to the cloud means moving your applications from monolith to microservices. But once you do, running and maintaining these services brings its own level of complexity. The answer? Modularity, deployability, observability, and self-healing capacity through cloud native development.
  • Добавил: Maurix
  • Дата: 10-02-2022, 18:46
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Python глазами хакера
Автор: Марков Николай, Бабичева Татьяна, Афанасьев Илья
Издательство: БXB
Год: 2022
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 176
Размер: 20,4 Mb
Язык: Русский

Рассмотрены современные интерпретаторы языка Python. Описано устройство reverse shell, файлового вируса, трояна, локера и шифровальщика. Представлены примеры инструментов для автоматизированного сбора информации о компьютере, динамического анализа вредоносного кода, в том числе, с использованием API VirusTotal. Приведены примеры программ для разгадывания капчи, поиска людей на видео, обработки сложных веб-форм, автоматизации iOS. Показано, как написать на Python новый навык для голосового помощника "Алиса" и различные программы для одноплатных компьютеров.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 10-02-2022, 15:57
  • Комментариев: 0
MLOps Engineering at ScaleНазвание: MLOps Engineering at Scale
Автор: Carl Osipov
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2022
Страниц: 344
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

MLOps Engineering at Scale teaches you how to implement efficient machine learning systems using pre-built services from AWS and other cloud vendors. This easy-to-follow book guides you step-by-step as you set up your serverless ML infrastructure, even if you’ve never used a cloud platform before. You’ll also explore tools like PyTorch Lightning, Optuna, and MLFlow that make it easy to build pipelines and scale your deep learning models in production.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 9-02-2022, 14:31
  • Комментариев: 0
Generative Adversarial Learning: Architectures and ApplicationsНазвание: Generative Adversarial Learning: Architectures and Applications
Автор: Roozbeh Razavi-Far, Ariel Ruiz-Garcia, Vasile Palade
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 362
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 13.4 MB

This book provides a collection of recent research works addressing theoretical issues on improving the learning process and the generalization of GANs as well as state-of-the-art applications of GANs to various domains of real life. Adversarial learning fascinates the attention of Machine Learning communities across the world in recent years. Generative adversarial networks (GANs), as the main method of adversarial learning, achieve great success and popularity by exploiting a minimax learning concept, in which two networks compete with each other during the learning process. Their key capability is to generate new data and replicate available data distributions, which are needed in many practical applications, particularly in computer vision and signal processing. The book is intended for academics, practitioners, and research students in Artificial Intelligence looking to stay up to date with the latest advancements on GANs’ theoretical developments and their applications.
  • Добавил: umkaS
  • Дата: 9-02-2022, 07:27
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Язык программирования C# 2008 и платформа .NET 3.5
Автор: Троелсен Э.
Издательство: М.: Вильямс
Год: 2010 - 4-е изд.
Cтраниц: 1343
Формат: djvu
Размер: 19 мб
Язык: русский

Версия .NET 3.5 привнесла с собой как десятки новых языковых средств C#, так и множество новых API-интерфейсов .NET. В этой книге вы найдете полное описание всех нововведений в характерной для автора дружественной к читателю манере. Помимо прочего, подробно рассматривается язык LINQ, изменения, появившиеся в новой версии языка C# 2008 (автоматические свойства, методы расширений, анонимные типы и т. д. ), а также множество функциональных средств среды Visual Studio 2008.