Автор: Ashish Dutta Название: Robotic Systems - Applications, Control and Programming Издательство: InTech Год: 2012 ISBN: 978-953-307-941-7 Язык: English Формат: pdf Размер: 52,8 mb Страниц: 638
Consisting of three main sections, the first section of the book has a focus on robotic surgery, rehabilitation, self-assembly, while the second section offers an insight into the area of control with discussions on exoskeleton control and robot learning among others. The third section is on vision and ultrasonic sensors which is followed by a series of chapters which include a focus on the programming of intelligent service robots and systems adaptations.
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Chapter 1 Modular Robotic Approach in Surgical Applications – Wireless Robotic Modules and a Reconfigurable Master Device for Endoluminal Surgery – by Kanako Harada, Ekawahyu Susilo, Takao Watanabe, Kazuya Kawamura, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Arianna Menciassi and Paolo Dario
Chapter 2 Target Point Manipulation Inside a Deformable Object by Jadav Das and Nilanjan Sarkar
Chapter 3 Novel Assistive Robot for Self-Feeding by Won-Kyung Song and Jongbae Kim
Chapter 4 Robot Handling Fabrics Towards Sewing Using Computational Intelligence Methods by Zacharia Paraskevi
Chapter 5 Robotic Systems for Radiation Therapy by Ivan Buzurovic, Tarun K. Podder and Yan Yu
Chapter 6 Robotic Urological Surgery: State of the Art and Future Perspectives by Rachid Yakoubi, Shahab Hillyer and Georges-Pascal Haber
Chapter 7 Reconfigurable Automation of Carton Packaging with Robotic Technology by Wei Yao and Jian S. Dai
Chapter 8 Autonomous Anthropomorphic Robotic System with Low-Cost Colour Sensors to Monitor Plant Growth in a Laboratory by Gourab Sen Gupta, Mark Seelye, John Seelye and Donald Bailey
Chapter 9 CPG Implementations for Robot Locomotion: Analysis and Design by Jose Hugo Barron-Zambrano and Cesar Torres-Huitzil
Chapter 10 Tracking Control in an Upper Arm Exoskeleton with Differential Flatness by E. Y. Veslin, M. Dutra, J. Slama, O. Lengerke and M. J. M. Tavera
Chapter 11 Real-Time Control in Robotic Systems by Alex Simpkins
Chapter 12 Robot Learning from Demonstration Using Predictive Sequence Learning by Erik Billing, Thomas Hellstr?m and Lars-Erik Janlert
Chapter 13 Biarticular Actuation of Robotic Systems by Jan Babi?
Chapter 14 Optimization and Synthesis of a Robot Fish Motion by Janis Viba, Semjons Cifanskis and Vladimirs Jakushevich
Chapter 15 Modeling of Elastic Robot Joints with Nonlinear Damping and Hysteresis by Michael Ruderman
Chapter 16 Gravity-Independent Locomotion: Dynamics and Position-Based Control of Robots on Asteroid Surfaces by Marco Chacin and Edward Tunstel
Chapter 17 Kinematic and Inverse Dynamic Analysis of a C5 Joint Parallel Robot by Georges Fried, Karim Djouani and Amir Fijany
Chapter 18 Utilizing the Functional Work Space Evaluation Tool for Assessing a System Design and Reconfiguration Alternatives by A. Djuric and R. J. Urbanic
Chapter 19 Requirement Oriented Reconfiguration of Parallel Robotic Systems by Jan Schmitt, David Inkermann, Carsten Stechert, Annika Raatz and Thomas Vietor
Chapter 20 Real-Time Robotic Hand Control Using Hand Gestures by Jagdish Lal Raheja, Radhey Shyam, G. Arun Rajsekhar and P. Bhanu Prasad
Chapter 21 Robotics Arm Visual Servo: Estimation of Arm-Space Kinematics Relations with Epipolar Geometry by Ebrahim Mattar
Chapter 22 Design and Construction of an Ultrasonic Sensor for the Material Identification in Robotic Agents by Juan Jos? Gonz?lez Espa?a, Jovani Alberto Jim?nez Builes and Jaime Alberto Guzm?n Luna
Chapter 23 Robotic Software Systems: From Code-Driven to Model-Driven Software Development by Christian Schlegel, Andreas Steck and Alex Lotz
Chapter 24 Using Ontologies for Configuring Architectures of Industrial Robotics in Logistic Processes by Matthias Burwinkel and Bernd Scholz-Reiter
Chapter 25 Programming of Intelligent Service Robots with the Process Model “FRIEND::Process” and Configurable Task-Knowledge by Oliver Prenzel, Uwe Lange, Henning Kampe, Christian Martens and Axel Gr?ser
Chapter 26 Performance Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Controllers in Robotic Manipulators by Claudio Urrea, John Kern and Holman Ortiz
Chapter 27 An Approach to Distributed Component-Based Software for Robotics by A. C. Dom?nguez-Brito, J. Cabrera-G?mez, J. D. Hern?ndez-Sosa, J. Isern-Gonz?lez and E. Fern?ndez-Perdomo
Chapter 28 Sequential and Simultaneous Algorithms to Solve the Collision-Free Trajectory Planning Problem for Industrial Robots – Impact of Interpolation Functions and the Characteristics of the Actuators on Robot Performance by Francisco J. Rubio, Francisco J. Valero, Antonio J. Besa and Ana M. Pedrosa
Chapter 29 Methodology for System Adaptation Based on Characteristic Patterns by Eva Voln?, Michal Jano?ek, V?clav Kocian, Martin Kotyrba and Zuzana Oplatkov?
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