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Core Data Mastery in SwiftUI

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 10-04-2023, 15:43
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Core Data Mastery in SwiftUIНазвание: Core Data Mastery in SwiftUI
Автор: Mark Moeykens
Издательство: Big Mountain Studio
Год: 19-March-2023
Страниц: 534
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true) + Sources
Размер: 54.4 MB

This book just removed the 3 biggest barriers to learning and using Core Data in SwiftUI.

"Core Data is just too confusing!"
You're not alone!

Many SwiftUI developers told me they find it difficult to understand Core Data and how to implement it in their apps.

And I understand because I was there too.

That's why this book
Starts just with pictures and concepts
Introduces just 3 parts to show data
Uses simple English
Has lots of pictures and diagrams

Book Details

Chapters at a glance
At over 500 pages this is the largest Core Data book for SwiftUI in the world.

CORE DATA CONCEPTS What are the 4 main concepts that will help you finally understand how Core Data works?
FIRST EXAMPLE How can you start using Core Data in just 4 steps and under 10 minutes?
MOCK DATA How can you use mock data in Core Data and preview it while developing your UI?
DISPLAYING DATA How can you make your life much easier when using Core Data and SwiftUI?
@FETCHREQUEST How can you not only get data, but also sort, filter, and animate with a fetch request?
@SECTIONEDFETCHREQUEST What can you do if you want to group your data into sections?
MANAGED OBJECT CONTEXT How can you use the managed object context to insert, update, and delete data?
DATA MODEL OPTIONS How can you make attributes required, provide default values, and prevent duplicate data?
UNDO AND REDO How can you give users more control over the changes they make with undo and redo actions?
RELATIONSHIPS How can you use relationships to connect data between different entities?
DERIVED How do you give attributes in your entities autogenerated calculated values?
CONCURRENCY What can you do to make sure you never freeze your UI while doing Core Data operations?
FETCHED PROPERTIES How can you create and store pre-made fetches right in your data model?
USING OBSERVABLE OBJECTS What if you wanted to move all Core Data code out of your view and into your observable object?
VALIDATION How can you specify validation rules right on the data model so an error is thrown whenever they are violated?
VERSIONING After your app is released, what can you do to make changes to your data model to make sure there is no data loss?
TRANSFORMABLE How can you store a type that Core Data doesn’t offer?
PERFORMANCE TIPS What are different ways you can measure and improve the performance of your Core Data operations?
CLOUDKIT Your users might install your app on multiple devices, so how can you sync their data?
ERRORS & SOLUTIONS What is the solution to the error you are seeing?
MORE TO COME I already have a backlog full of requests that I will be rolling out over the next year!

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