This book presents a compilation of current trends, technologies, and challenges in connection with Big Data. Many fields of science and engineering are data-driven, or generate huge amounts of data that are ripe for the picking. There are now more sources of data than ever before, and more means of capturing data. At the same time, the sheer volume and complexity of the data have sparked new developments, where many Big Data problems require new solutions. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable reference guide for all graduate students, researchers, and scientists interested in exploring the potential of Big Data applications.
Part I Big Data and Cloud Computing Efficient MapReduce Framework Using Summation Secret Image Sharing Over Cloud Using One-Dimensional Chaotic Map Design and Development of a Cloud-Based Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System Log-Based Approach for Security Implementation in Cloud CRM’s Performance Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms in Apache Hadoop Energy-Aware Prediction-Based Load Balancing Approach with VM Migration for the Cloud Environment
Part II Network and Securities Authentication Process Using Secure Sum for a New Node in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Certificate Revocation in Hybrid Ad Hoc Network NB Tree Based Intrusion Detection Technique Using Rough Set Theory Model An Energy-Efficient Intrusion Detection System for MANET DDoS Attack Mitigation Using Random and Flow-Based Scheme Digital Image Watermarking Against Geometrical Attack Efficient Decentralized Key Management Approach for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Image Forgery Detection: Survey and Future Directions Comparative Study of Digital Forensic Tools A Systematic Survey on Mobile Forensic Tools Used for Forensic Analysis of Android-Based Social Networking Applications Enhanced and Secure Acknowledgement IDS in Mobile Ad Hoc Network by Hybrid Cryptography Technique Formal Verification of Causal Order-Based Load Distribution Mechanism Using Event-B
Part III Internet of Things and Related Areas An IOT-Based Architecture for Crime Management in Nigeria A Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Executing Branched Instructions Design and Implementation of an E-Policing System to Report Crimes in Nigeria Performance Evaluation of Ensemble Learners on Smartphone Sensor Generated Human Activity Data Set An Insight into Time Synchronization Algorithms in IoT Comparative Study of the Electrical Energy Consumption and Cost for a Residential Building with Conventional Appliances Vis-a-Vis One with Energy-Efficient Appliances Particle Swarm Optimization-Based MPPT Controller for Wind Turbine Systems A New Model of M-secure Image Via Quantization Analysis on Applicability and Feasibility of Dynamic Programming on the Basis of Time Complexity and Space Through Case Studies
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