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Название: Instructional Design For Dummies
Автор: Susan Land
Издательство: For Dummies
Год: 2024
Страниц: 320
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub (true), mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

The streamlined, simplified, beginner-friendly introduction to instructional design. Instructional Design For Dummies will teach you how to design and build learning content to create effective, engaging learning experiences that lead to improved learning outcomes and skill development. This book breaks down the instructional design process into bite-sized pieces, so you can learn techniques and best practices without getting bogged down in theory. Learn about various instructional design models and frameworks, then discover the different options for designing learning experiences. Take into account learning foundations, goals, and contexts, then create stellar lessons for in-person or virtual delivery. This Dummies guide is your starting place for creating impactful courses, without the technical jargon. Instructional design is also a profession, and you can find instructional designers working in corporations, higher education, museums, the military, and many other settings. It has broad applications to a variety of career paths. Although you can learn all of the skills to be a professional instructional designer by pursuing a college degree, there are some skills you can learn with the help of some practical tips and guidance. This book is designed to do exactly that — provide you with a practical guide to get you up and running quickly on some of the basics of instructional design. This book is written as a practical guide for anyone to discover instructional design and how to apply it in order to design more effective learning experiences. The book is structured systematically according to the different phases and activities of the instructional-design process. It uses examples and tips to help you understand and apply the instructional techniques.
Разместил: literator 17-04-2024, 01:56 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Колишися, колисонько!
Составитель: Валентина Пономаренко
Изд-во: Київ: Веселка
Год: 2011
К-во стр: 64
Формат: pdf
Размер: 63,09 Мб
Язык: Українська

Збірник українських народних колискових пісень з нотними записами.
Колискова пісня! Скільки її створив народний геній! Лагідний материн наспів спокон віку засівав дитячі душі любов’ю до людей, до природи, до всього живого.
Книжка унікальна тим, що народилася вона з малюнків дивовижно талановитої художниці Валентини Мельниченко. Створила вона їх давно для видавництва та залишила у спадок всім дітям України!
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 17-04-2024, 01:38 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Збірка творів (5 книг)
Автор: Василь Шкляр
Изд-во: К.: "Веселка", "Молодь", "Апріорі"
Год: 1976-2017
Формат: pdf, djvu
Размер: 67,04 Мб
Язык: українська

В.М. Шкляр — один із найвідоміших і найбільш читаних сучасних українських письменників. Деякі літературні оглядачі називають його «батьком українського бестселера». Автор романів «Чорний ворон», «Маруся», «Чорне сонце», володар численних літературних нагород. Роботи Шкляра перекладено англійською, болгарською, вірменською, шведською, словацькою, російською мовами тощо. Автор книг для дітей.
До архіву входять:
- «Шовкова нитка» (Світ навколо тебе)
- "Живиця"
- «Черешня в житі»
- «Шовковий дощик»
- «Помста Баби Яги / Baba Yaga's Revenge»
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 17-04-2024, 01:07 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Перш ніж ми стали вашими / Before We Were Yours
Автор: Ліза Вінґейт
Изд-во: «Vivat»
Год: 2019
К-во стр.: 402
Язык: українська
Формат: pdf/djvu
Размер: 21,19 Мб

Гостросюжетна драма. Реальна історія про скандал, що вибухнув у 60-ті роки ХХ століття довкола Товариства дитячих будинків у Теннессі та його очільниці — Джорджії Танн.

Мемфіс, 1939 рік. Дванадцятирічна Рілл Фосс має чудове життя: велика родина, затишна домівка на річці Міссісіпі. Їх називають «річковими щурами». Та бідність не заважає щастю. Одного дня до будинку вриваються незнайомці з поліції. Вони забирають Рілл та її молодших сестер і братика у рідних, щоб Товариство дитячих будинків у Теннессі віддало їх в інші родини. Відтоді Рілл мусить дбати про себе й молодших сама, одержима ідеєю повернутися на річку. Південна Кароліна, початок ХХІ століття. Ейвері Стеффорд — вже доросла донька сенатора. Вона має все: успішну кар’єру, вродливого нареченого, заможне життя. Що в неї спільного з Рілл Фосс? Минуле. Прадід Ейвері був причетний до Товариства.
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 17-04-2024, 00:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization
Автор: Hamid Reza Vanaei, Sofiane Khelladi, Abbas Tcharkhtchi
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2024
Страниц: 323
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 32.1 MB

Multidisciplinary, up-to-date reference on 3D printing from A to Z, including material selection, in-process monitoring, process optimization, and Machine Learning. Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization offers a comprehensive overview of the 3D printing process, covering relevant materials, control factors, cutting-edge concepts, and applications across various industries such as architecture, engineering, medical, jewelry, footwear, and industrial design. While many published books and review papers have explored various aspects of 3D printing, they often approach the topic from a specific perspective. This book instead views 3D printing as a multidisciplinary field, extending beyond its rapid growth into emerging areas like Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing and innovation, 3D printing has emerged as a beacon of possibility. Its ability to turn digital designs into tangible objects has revolutionized industries from aerospace and automotive to healthcare and fashion. In this book, efforts have been made to navigate the nuances of characterization and optimization, uncovering the interplay of variables that define the 3D printing process. From the composition of materials to the geometry of design, every decision reverberates through the layers of this additive manufacturing journey. The book has been conceived and written to encompass all aspects of the 3D printing process – from its applications and challenges to the importance of process optimization – and is thus divided into two separate parts.
Разместил: literator 16-04-2024, 19:08 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Self-Powered AIoT Systems
Автор: Niranjan N. Chiplunkar, K.V.S.S.S.S. Sairam, Rathishchandra R. Gatti
Издательство: Apple Academic Press, CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 357
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 20.6 MB

This new volume focuses on design principles for building self-powered AIoT (artificial intelligence of things) applications and their subsequent deployment. The book introduces the futuristic concepts of AIoT by incorporating self-powered systems, firstly by informing the reader of current AI/ML techniques and IoT technologies and then showing the path towards convergence of AI/IoT towards AIoT. The book also explains the many possible diverse applications of AIoT. The combination of IoT for sensing and aggregation of data from the surroundings and AI for analysis and decision-making will expand cyber-physical intelligence towards achieving complete autonomy. However, as the deployment of sensors becomes increasingly ubiquitous, there will be a massive amount of sensor data aggregation and analyses for autonomous decision-making capabilities of AIoT products. This calls for substantial research and product development in self-powered technologies such as energy harvesters, supercapacitors, energy storage devices for energy generation, and energy-efficient technologies such as ultra-low power (ULP) microcontrollers, ULP microprocessors, and ULP smart sensors and actuators. This volume helps to fill that gap. The volume presents research and product development towards structured convergence of self-powered systems, leading to pragmatic R&D deliverables for new products and services. The book is the first of its kind on reporting how the current AI and IoT are progressing toward the vision of AIoT.
Разместил: literator 16-04-2024, 18:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: AI in Material Science: Revolutionizing Construction in the Age of Industry 4.0
Автор: Syed Saad, Syed Ammad, Kumeel Rasheed
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 289
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 11.7 MB

This book explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on material science and construction practices in the Industry 4.0 landscape. It enquires into AI history and applications, examining material optimization, smart materials, and AI in construction. Covering automation, robotics, and AI-assisted design, the book provides insights into ethical considerations and future trends. A modern reference for scholars and professionals, it bridges academia and practical applications in the dynamic intersection of AI and materials science. As an academic exploration, this book navigates the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) influence on modern materials within the Industry 4.0 era. The comprehensive nature of this work is rooted in the foundational principles and realistic applications of AI, focusing on its integration into material science and construction practices. Our collective goal in crafting this collection stems from a recognition of the widening breach between academic literature and industry-centric publications within the AI and materials science domain. AI has become an industry-wide revolutionary force in the context of Industry 4.0. The book presents a solid case for continuing the investigation of AI in the field of material science through this academic and professional introduction, opening the door for readers to learn about the revolutionary possibilities that lie at the intersection of AI and the construction industry. Learning about Artificial Intelligence, the fundamental concepts and tenets of AI are covered in this section. It examines the idea of AI, the distinctions between specific and general AI, and the many methods and algorithms used in systems that use AI. Readers can comprehend AI’s possible uses and consequences in the setting of material science by developing a solid comprehension of the technology. AI represents one of the most transformative and interesting fields in ultramodern technology and computer wisdom.
Разместил: literator 16-04-2024, 16:55 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Как добывать капканом зайца, лисицу, волка, горностая, хоря, норку, выдру, куницу, барсука
Автор: Тихвинский В.И.
Издательство: КОИЗ
Год издания: 1934
Количество страниц: 42
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 25,11 Мб

В этой книжке дан краткий очерк способов капканного лова основных промысловых животных нашей фауны.
Разместил: Knizhka01 16-04-2024, 16:44 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Computer Engineering Applications in Electronic, Biomedical, and Automotive System
Автор: Brian D'Andrade
Издательство: Nova Science Publishers
Год: 2024
Страниц: 324
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 27.4 MB

Computer Engineering covers a broad range of applications and overlaps with other fields, including materials science, electrical/electronics, vehicles, physics, and statistics. This book provides insights into a few computer engineering applications in electronics, and in the medical and the automotive fields where advances in robotics, embedded systems, and sensors are creating a bold future. The chapters are written from the perspectives of scientists and engineering consultants who have broad experiences across multiple vendors and manufacturers of computer systems. Their unique perspectives are formed from work on consumer products including research, development, safety, legal compliance, and standards for products. Chapter 1 – In this chapter, we explore the transformative impact of miniaturization, Artificial Intelligence, and wireless technology on consumer products, which has given rise to a diverse range of wearable electronic devices. We delve into the evolution, current status, and forthcoming trends in this field, emphasizing key features, potential pitfalls, and crucial safety considerations.
Разместил: literator 16-04-2024, 15:31 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Гидроакустика и корабль
Автор: Простаков А.Л.
Издательство: Судостроение
Год издания: 1967
Количество страниц: 206
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 10,26 Мб

В книге обобщен обширный материал, помещенный в последние годы на страницах зарубежной печати и отражающий современное состояние и перспективы развития корабельных гидроакустических средств.
Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, знакомых с основами устройств гидроакустической аппаратуры и занимающихся вопросами гидроакустики, на специалистов судостроительной промышленности, офицеров ВМФ, студентов вузов и курсантов военно-морских училищ.
Разместил: Knizhka01 16-04-2024, 14:56 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

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