- литература в один клик

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 07:23
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Creating a Website from Scratch: Introduction to HTML and CSS
Автор: Lazar Hristov
Издательство: Amazon
Год: 2024
Страниц: 432
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 65.7 MB

The book "Creating a website from scratch" is a unique book presented to the readers, which explains and shows in easy and accessible language how to make a website, starting from scratch, using only "handy" and free tools : a text web editor and web browser. And all this is realized through HTML and CSS. The author Lazar Hristov is a computer engineer with a master's degree who has been studying HTML and CSS for many years. The book covers more than just the latest HTML 5 versions and CSS 3, but it also gives an idea of how things were organized before that. The first two parts are for people who are just starting to study this subject, although more advanced people will also find interesting things here, especially in the chapter "Types of Selectors". From the middle of the first part there is a deeper dive into the material, with each new chapter having both an introductory part and an intermediate part, and it is difficult to make a strict distinction between them. The third part is the most interesting, it is a complete practical guide in which together with the author, step by step, starting from scratch, you build your first website.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 06:37
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: 5G Fixed Wireless Access: Revolutionizing Connectivity in the Digital Age
Автор: Isiaka Alimi
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2025
Страниц: 135
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 11.5 MB

This book explores the transformative potential of 5G technology in delivering high-speed broadband services through wireless means, particularly targeting underserved and rural areas. The book covers several key topics, including high-frequency spectrum bands, advanced transmission schemes, multi-connectivity, adaptive numerology, and Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB). These elements are critical for enhancing network performance, increasing capacity, and reducing latency. High-frequency spectrum bands, such as those above 24 GHz, are essential for providing the necessary bandwidth to support high data rates and capacity. The book explains how these bands, while offering unprecedented peak rates, present challenges such as limited coverage and penetration, which are addressed through advanced technical solutions. Advanced transmission schemes, including massive beamforming and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, are explored in detail.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 05:54
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Ensemble Methods: Foundations and Algorithms, 2nd Edition
Автор: Zhi-Hua Zhou
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition
Год: 2025
Страниц: 364
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 28.5 MB

Ensemble methods that train multiple learners and then combine them to use, with Boosting and Bagging as representatives, are well-known Machine Learning approaches. It has become common sense that an ensemble is usually significantly more accurate than a single learner, and ensemble methods have already achieved great success in various real-world tasks. Twelve years have passed since the publication of the first edition of the book in 2012. Many significant advances in this field have been developed. First, many theoretical issues have been tackled, for example, the fundamental question of why AdaBoost seems resistant to overfitting gets addressed, so that now we understand much more about the essence of ensemble methods. Second, ensemble methods have been well developed in more Machine Learning fields, e.g., isolation forest in anomaly detection, so that now we have powerful ensemble methods for tasks beyond conventional supervised learning. Third, ensemble mechanisms have also been found helpful in emerging areas such as Deep Learning and online learning.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 05:28
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Fractions For Dummies
Автор: Mark Zegarelli
Издательство: For Dummies
Год: 2025
Страниц: 291
Язык: английский
Формат: True PDF, True/Retail EPUB
Размер: 10.1 MB

An easy, straightforward, and fun guide for learning fractions and its counterparts. Fractions For Dummies is the perfect strategy guide for both understanding and using one of math's most common (and most challenging) topic areas. You'll explore current solving strategies for fraction-related problems, and you'll also discover how to solve problems involving fractions' closely related cousins, decimals and percentages. Dive deep into the basics of these topics before moving on to more advanced uses, such as word problems, with the help of author and experienced math teacher Mark Zegarelli. It's time you showed these math areas who's boss. Fractions For Dummies shows you just how easy fractions and the like can be!
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 04:50
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: DIY Drones Guide for Beginners
Автор: Tom Dhobby
Издательство: Independently published
Год: November 20, 2024
Страниц: 140
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

"DIY Drones Guide for Beginners" by Tom Dhobby is a comprehensive resource designed to help newcomers navigate the exciting world of drones. This book covers everything from selecting the right components to building and flying your first drone, offering step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth learning process. Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have revolutionized industries and captured the imagination of hobbyists and professionals alike. These versatile flying machines are used for everything from aerial photography and agriculture to disaster response and delivery services. But what exactly is a drone, and why has it become such a prominent technology in today’s world? At its core, a drone is an aircraft that can operate without a human pilot onboard. It is controlled remotely or programmed to fly autonomously using onboard systems. Drones vary in size, design, and purpose—from tiny consumer quadcopters to large military-grade aircraft.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 03:00
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education
Автор: Bradley Fowler, Bruce G. Chaundy
Издательство: River Publishers
Год: 2025
Страниц: 199
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 15.9 MB

Healthcare organizations and institutions of higher education have become prime targets of increased cyberattacks. This book explores current cybersecurity trends and effective software applications, AI, and decision-making processes to combat cyberattacks. It emphasizes the importance of compliance, provides downloadable digital forensics software, and examines the psychology of organizational practice for effective cybersecurity leadership. This practical book supports the reader with downloadable digital forensics software, teaches how to utilize this software, as well as correctly securing this software as a key method to improve usage and deployment of these software applications for effective cybersecurity leadership. Furthermore, readers will understand the psychology of industrial organizational practice as it correlates with cybersecurity leadership. This is required to improve management of workplace conflict, which often impedes personnel’s ability to comply with cybersecurity law and policy, domestically and internationally.
  • Добавил: Tetyanka_
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 02:30
  • Комментариев: 0
«Наклей і дізнайся»: Зима на фермі. Зима в лісіНазвание: Зима в лісі. Зима на фермі
Автор: Олександра Шипарьова
Серия: «Наклей і дізнайся»
Изд-во: Х.: Торсінг/ПП «Навчальна література»
Год: 2023
Формат: pdf
К-во стр.: 2 по 8 + наліпки
Размер: 34,1 Мб
Язык: українська

Книжки з серії "Наклей і дізнайся" мають на меті всебічний розвиток вашої дитини, допоможуть організувати пізнавальне дозвілля, потренувати дрібну моторику, увагу, логіку та пам'ять. Бажаємо приємно та з користю провести час!
Спостерігати, як зростають тваринки, завжди цікаво та захопливо. У книгах "Зима на фермі" / "Зима у лісі" малюк знайде улюблених звірів, дізнається, що вони роблять у цю пору року, пограється з ними за допомогою наліпок. Також у виданні запропоновані завдання на розвиток уваги та логічного мислення. Особливо цікаво дитині буде спостерігати, як змінюється життя на фермі чи лісі, за тим, як зростають тваринки протягом усіх чотирьох пір року в книжках серії "Наклей і дізнайся".
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 02:06
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Английский символизм: своеобразие и европейский радиус
Автор: Замятина И.Ю. (отв. ред., сост.)
Издательство: Алетейя
Год: 2024
Страниц: 775
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.18 MB

Коллективный труд «Английский символизм: своеобразие и европейский радиус» – единственное на сегодняшний день русскоязычное исследование английского символизма в многоаспектности его проявлений. Созданная авторами монографии уникальная по охвату панорама развития символизма в Англии включает литературу, художественную критику, изобразительное искусство, архитектуру, фотографию, музыку, театр и кинематограф. В книге выявляется «времен связующая нить»: от истоков английского символизма – творчества У. Блейка, И. Фюсли, У. Тернера, сквозь художественные и эстетические искания Братства прерафаэлитов, эстетизм и символизм произведений У. Патера, О. Уайльда, А. Саймонса, к импульсам символистского мировидения в творчестве английских мастеров второй половины XX века – Ф. Бэкона, Г. Мура, А. Хичкока. Одновременно, определяются взаимосвязи между искусством Англии рубежа XIX–XX вв. и таких стран, как Италия, Германия, Австрия, Бельгия и Россия.
  • Добавил: magnum
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 00:29
  • Комментариев: 0
Mining Text DataНазвание: Mining Text Data
Автор: Charu C. Aggarwal, ChengXiang Zhai (Editors )
Издательство: Springer
Год выхода: 2012
Страниц: 527
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 10,4 MB
Язык: английский

Text mining applications have experienced tremendous advances because of web 2.0 and social networking applications. Recent advances in hardware and software technology have lead to a number of unique scenarios where text mining algorithms are learned.
  • Добавил: magnum
  • Дата: 13-01-2025, 00:09
  • Комментариев: 0
Computational Methods in Nonlinear Analysis: Efficient algorithms, Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsНазвание: Computational Methods in Nonlinear Aanalysis: Efficient algorithms, Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Автор: Ioannis K. Argyros, Said Hilout
Издательство: World Scitntific
Год выхода: 2013
Страниц: 591
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10,3 MB
Язык: английский

The field of computational sciences has seen a considerable development in mathematics, engineering sciences, and economic equilibrium theory. Researchers in this field are faced with the problem of solving a variety of equations or variational inequalities. We note that in computational sciences, the practice of numerical analysis for finding such solutions is essentially connected to variants of Newton's method. The efficient computational methods for finding the solutions of fixed point problems, nonlinear equations and variational inclusions are the first goal of the present book. The second goal is the applications of these methods in nonlinear problems and the connection with fixed point theory.