- литература в один клик

  • Добавил: Archivarius
  • Дата: 24-01-2021, 12:31
  • Комментариев: 0
Linux Firewalls. Attack detection and response with iptables, psad, and fwsnort
Название: Linux Firewalls. Attack detection and response with iptables, psad, and fwsnort
Автор: Michael Rash
Издательство: No Starch Press
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 336
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

System administrators need to stay ahead of new security vulnerabilities that leave their networks exposed every day. A firewall and an intrusion detection systems (IDS) are two important weapons in that fight, enabling you to proactively deny access and monitor network traffic for signs of an attack. Linux Firewalls discusses the technical details of the iptables firewall and the Netfilter framework that are built into the Linux kernel, and it explains how they provide strong filtering, Network Address Translation (NAT), state tracking, and application layer inspection capabilities that rival many commercial tools. You'll learn how to deploy iptables as an IDS with psad and fwsnort and how to build a strong, passive authentication layer around iptables with fwknop.
  • Добавил: buratino
  • Дата: 24-01-2021, 11:57
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Data Action: Using Data for Public Good (The MIT Press)
Автор: Sarah Williams
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 2020
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 307
Размер: 72 Mb
Язык: English

How to use data as a tool for empowerment rather than oppression.
Big data can be used for good--from tracking disease to exposing human rights violations--and for bad--implementing surveillance and control. Data inevitably represents the ideologies of those who control its use; data analytics and algorithms too often exclude women, the poor, and ethnic groups. In Data Action, Sarah Williams provides a guide for working with data in more ethical and responsible ways. Too often data has been used--and manipulated--to make policy decisions without much stakeholder input.
  • Добавил: NAtaschka
  • Дата: 24-01-2021, 11:29
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Психология обусловленной души
Автор: Яшодадулал дас
Издательство: Философская книга
Год: 2010
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 140
Размер: 35,73 Мб
Язык: русский

Темы, рассматриваемые в этой книге, составляют часть самбандха-гьяны (куда входят такие аспекты, как джива-таттва, пракрити и карма) и необходимы для должного осуществления абхидеи (процесса преданного служения).

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-01-2021, 17:58
  • Комментариев: 0
The Data Detective's Toolkit: Cutting-Edge Techniques and SAS Macros to Clean, Prepare, and Manage DataНазвание: The Data Detective's Toolkit: Cutting-Edge Techniques and SAS Macros to Clean, Prepare, and Manage Data
Автор: Kim Chantala
Издательство: SAS Institute
Год: 2020
Страниц: 216
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), azw3
Размер: 10.1 MB

Reduce the cost and time of cleaning, managing, and preparing research data while also improving data quality! Have you ever wished there was an easy way to reduce your workload and improve the quality of your data? The Data Detective’s Toolkit: Cutting-Edge Techniques and SAS Macros to Clean, Prepare, and Manage Data will help you automate many of the labor-intensive tasks needed to turn raw data into high-quality, analysis-ready data. You will find the right tools and techniques in this book to reduce the amount of time needed to clean, edit, validate, and document your data. These tools include SAS macros as well as ingenious ways of using SAS procedures and functions.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 23-01-2021, 17:25
  • Комментариев: 0
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 4th EditionНазвание: Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 4th Edition
Автор: Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall
Издательство: Morgan Kaufmann
Год: 2017
Страниц: 655
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.6 MB

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Fourth Edition, offers a thorough grounding in Machine Learning concepts, along with practical advice on applying these tools and techniques in real-world data mining situations. This highly anticipated fourth edition of the most acclaimed work on data mining and Machine Learning teaches readers everything they need to know to get going, from preparing inputs, interpreting outputs, evaluating results, to the algorithmic methods at the heart of successful data mining approaches. Extensive updates reflect the technical changes and modernizations that have taken place in the field since the last edition, including substantial new chapters on probabilistic methods and on Deep Learning (DL).
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 22-01-2021, 21:29
  • Комментариев: 0
Introduction to Data Mining (2nd Edition)Название: Introduction to Data Mining (2nd Edition)
Автор: Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne
Издательство: Pearson
Год: 2019
Страниц: 864
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 26.4 MB

Introducing the fundamental concepts and algorithms of data mining. Introduction to Data Mining, 2nd Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of the background and general themes of data mining and is designed to be useful to students, instructors, researchers, and professionals. Presented in a clear and accessible way, the book outlines fundamental concepts and algorithms for each topic, thus providing the reader with the necessary background for the application of data mining to real problems. The text helps readers understand the nuances of the subject, and includes important sections on classification, association analysis, and cluster analysis. This edition improves on the first iteration of the book, published over a decade ago, by addressing the significant changes in the industry as a result of advanced technology and data growth.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 22-01-2021, 20:26
  • Комментариев: 0
Predictive Analytics Using Statistics and Big Data: Concepts and ModelingНазвание: Predictive Analytics Using Statistics and Big dаta: Concepts and Modeling
Автор: Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Arvind Pandey, Dharmendra Singh Rajput
Издательство: Bentham Science Publishers
Год: 2020
Страниц: 124
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.7 MB

This book presents a selection of the latest and representative developments in predictive analytics using Big Data technologies. It focuses on some critical aspects of Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) and provides studies for readers. The chapters address a comprehensive range of advanced data technologies used for statistical modeling towards predictive analytics. Predictive analytics can be done with the help of various Big Data technologies and statistical approaches. Big Data technologies include Hadoop, Hive, HBase, and Spark. There are numerous statistical approaches to perform predictive analytics, including Bayesian analysis, Sequential analysis, Statistical prediction, risk prediction, and decision analytics.
  • Добавил: Archivarius
  • Дата: 22-01-2021, 12:40
  • Комментариев: 0
Безопасность Oracle глазами аудитора. Нападение и защита
Название: Безопасность Oracle глазами аудитора. Нападение и защита
Автор: Поляков А.М.
Издательство: Издательство "ДМК Пресс"
Год: 2010
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 336
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: Русский

Эта книга является первым исследованием, написанным отечественным автором, которое посвящено проблеме безопасности СУБД Oracle. Материал книги основан на практическом опыте автора, полученном им в результате проведения тестов на проникновение и обширной исследовательской деятельности в области безопасности СУБД.
  • Добавил: Archivarius
  • Дата: 22-01-2021, 12:33
  • Комментариев: 0
Oracle. Проектирование баз данных
Название: Oracle. Проектирование баз данных
Автор: Энсор Д., Стивенсон Й.
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Год: 1999
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 557
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: Русский

В книге подробно описаны все аспекты проектирования и разработки баз данных Oracle, которые являются залогом хорошего качества и высокой производительности системы. Большое внимание уделено таким важным вопросам, как модели данных, денормализация, использование ключей и индексов, временных данных. рассмотрено также проектирование для специальных архитектур (клиент/сервер, распределение базы данных, параллельные вычисления) и хранилищ данных.
  • Добавил: buratino
  • Дата: 21-01-2021, 12:46
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: High Performance SQL Server: Consistent Response for Mission-Critical Applications Second Edition
Автор: Benjamin Nevarez
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2021
Страниц: 419
Размер: 10.7 Mb
Язык: English

Design and configure SQL Server instances and databases in support of high-throughput, mission-critical applications providing consistent response times in the face of variations in numbers of users and query volumes. In this new edition, with over 100 pages of additional content, every original chapter has been updated for SQL Server 2019, and the book also includes two new chapters covering SQL Server on Linux and Intelligent Query Processing.