- литература в один клик

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 20-11-2022, 06:23
  • Комментариев: 0
Micro and Nanofluid Convection with Magnetic Field Effects for Heat and Mass Transfer Applications Using MATLABНазвание: Micro and Nanofluid Convection with Magnetic Field Effects for Heat and Mass Transfer Applications Using MATLAB
Автор: ChakravarthulA S.K. Raju, Ilyas Khan
Издательство: Elsevier
Год: 2022
Страниц: 321
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 18.3 MB

Micro and Nanofluid Convection with Magnetic Field Effects for Heat and Mass Transfer Applications using MATLAB examines the performance of micro and nanofluids with various physical effects such as magnetic field, slip effects, radiation and heat sources. Heat and mass transfer enhancement techniques are widely used in many applications in the heating and cooling or freezing process to make possible a reduction in weight and size or enhance performance during heat and mass exchanges. The book covers the two categories of flow techniques, active and passive. It discusses various considerations in the engineering sciences in the melting process, polymer industry and in metallurgy.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 20-11-2022, 06:04
  • Комментариев: 0
Games as Transformative Experiences for Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness, and Deep LearningНазвание: Games as Transformative Experiences for Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness, and Deep Learning: Strategies & Resources
Автор: David Seelow
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 377
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 44.5 MB

All games are potentially transformative experiences because they engage the player in dynamic action. When repurposed in an educational context, even highly popular casual games played online to pass the time can engage players in a way that deepens learning. Games as Transformative Experiences for Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness, and Deep Learning: Strategies & Resources examines the learning value of a wide variety of games across multiple disciplines. Organized just like a well-made game, the book is divided into four parts highlighting classroom experiences, community and culture, virtual learning, and interdisciplinary instruction. The author crosses between the high school and college classroom and addresses a range of disciplines, both online and classroom practice, the design of curriculum, and the transformation of assessment practices.
  • Добавил: vvkot
  • Дата: 19-11-2022, 21:05
  • Комментариев: 0

Название: Modern Methods in Mathematical Physics: Integral Equations in Wolfram Mathematica
Автор:Ryzhov V., Fedorova T., Safronov K., Sulaiman S.A., Karim S.A.A.
Размер: 10,7 МБ
Язык: English

This book provides ideas for implementing Wolfram Mathematica to solve linear integral equations. The book introduces necessary theoretical information about exact and numerical methods of solving integral equations. Every method is supplied with a large number of detailed solutions in Wolfram Mathematica. In addition, the book includes tasks for individual study. This book is a supplement for students studying “Integral Equations”. In addition, the structure of the book with individual assignments allows to use it as a base for various courses.

  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 19-11-2022, 16:38
  • Комментариев: 0
Introduction to Quantum TechnologiesНазвание: Introduction to Quantum Technologies
Автор: Alto Osada, Rekishu Yamazaki, Atsushi Noguchi
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 298
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 30.1 MB

This book is a concise primer of quantum technology aiming at providing a comprehensive material of fundamentals to help beginners understand the common concepts and background theories to technologies for individual quantum systems. Further, it also describes how the concepts and theories are applied to technologies in various systems. What is quantum technology? Is it a fancy bandwagon fresh from the academics? Definitely, this is not the case. Let us trace the history in reverse order from 2022. Now the quantum technology is known to everybody, thanks to the many-qubit quantum “computers” developed by several companies and laboratories. Some of them are available on the cloud platform and are used for the educational and business use, while quantum communication and quantum sensing/metrology are also under intense investigation. Why does quantum computer gather such an attention? An answer is that such a novel computer based on the unconventional working principle—quantum mechanics—is expected to outperform conventional computers, or classical computers as a counterpart of the quantum computer, when a certain computational task is given.
  • Добавил: umkaS
  • Дата: 19-11-2022, 07:41
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Основы гравиметрии
Автор: Грушинский Н.П.
Издательство: М.: Наука
Год: 1983
Cтраниц: 352
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19 мб
Язык: русский

В основу книги положен курс лекций для студентов МГУ, читаемый автором свыше 10 лет. В ней сжато и в доходчивой форме изложены все основные положения гравиметрии: элементы теории притяжения, методы измерения ускорения силы тяжести, применения в геодезии, при изучении внутреннего строения Земли, в геолого­разведочном деле. Описаны также новейшие спутниковые методы изучения гравитационного поля Земли, Луны и планет.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 19-11-2022, 06:07
  • Комментариев: 0
Introduction to Stochastic Finance with Market Examples, Second EditionНазвание: Introduction to Stochastic Finance with Market Examples, Second Edition
Автор: Nicolas Privault
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 663
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 31.6 MB

Introduction to Stochastic Finance with Market Examples, Second Edition presents an introduction to pricing and hedging in discrete and continuous-time financial models, emphasizing both analytical and probabilistic methods. It demonstrates both the power and limitations of mathematical models in finance, covering the basics of stochastic calculus for finance, and details the techniques required to model the time evolution of risky assets. The book discusses a wide range of classical topics including Black–Scholes pricing, American options, derivatives, term structure modeling, and change of numeraire. It also builds up to special topics, such as exotic options, stochastic volatility, and jump processes. The text is targeted at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels in applied mathematics, financial engineering, and economics. It contains 235 exercises and 16 problems, as well as 19 tables and 255 figures, and includes 57 R coding examples for illustrations based on market data.
  • Добавил: umkaS
  • Дата: 16-11-2022, 13:13
  • Комментариев: 0
Название: Сборник задач по классической механике
Автор: Коткин Г.Л., Сербо В.Г.
Издательство: Регулярная и хаотическая динамика
Год: 2001
Cтраниц: 352
Формат: pdf
Размер: 13 мб
Язык: русский

В настоящее издание включены новые задачи из числа использованных в преподавании на физическом факультете Новосибирского государственного университета, а также задачи, добавленные в изданиях на испанском и французском языках. По охватываемому материалу сборник соответствует книгам «Механика» Л. Д. Ландау, Е. М. Лифшица и «Классическая механика» Г. Голдстейна.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 15-11-2022, 13:17
  • Комментариев: 0
Ethical Practice of Statistics and Data ScienceНазвание: Ethical Practice of Statistics and Data Science
Автор: Rochelle Tractenberg
Издательство: Ethics International Press
Год: 2022
Страниц: 484
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.9 MB

Ethical Practice of Statistics and Data Science is intended to prepare people to fully assume their responsibilities to practice statistics and Data Science ethically. Aimed at early career professionals, practitioners, and mentors or supervisors of practitioners, the book supports the ethical practice of statistics and data science, with an emphasis on how to earn the designation of, and recognize, "the ethical practitioner". The book features 47 case studies, each mapped to the Data Science Ethics Checklist (DSEC); Data Ethics Framework (DEFW); the American Statistical Association (ASA) Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice; and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Code of Ethics. It is necessary reading for students enrolled in any data intensive program, including undergraduate or graduate degrees in (bio-)statistics, business/analytics, or data science. Managers, leaders, supervisors, and mentors who lead data-intensive teams in government, industry, or academia would also benefit greatly from this book.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 15-11-2022, 04:46
  • Комментариев: 0
Applied Linear Regression for Longitudinal Data: With an Emphasis on Missing ObservationsНазвание: Applied Linear Regression for Longitudinal dаta: With an Emphasis on Missing Observations
Автор: Frans E.S. Tan, Shahab Jolani
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2022
Страниц: 249
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book introduces best practices in longitudinal data analysis at intermediate level, with a minimum number of formulas without sacrificing depths. It meets the need to understand statistical concepts of longitudinal data analysis by visualizing important techniques instead of using abstract mathematical formulas. Different solutions such as multiple imputation are explained conceptually and consequences of missing observations are clarified using visualization techniques. The book’s companion website offers a manual to perform the analyses in SPSS and R. Although the theory is explained independently of any statistical package, SPSS and R were mainly used to produce tables and figures. We also provide data files in the SPSS system-file format that may be used (not necessarily in SPSS) when working on the assignments.
  • Добавил: literator
  • Дата: 15-11-2022, 04:32
  • Комментариев: 0
Dynamic Equations and Almost Periodic Fuzzy Functions on Time ScalesНазвание: Dynamic Equations and Almost Periodic Fuzzy Functions on Time Scales
Автор: Chao Wang, Ravi P. Agarwal
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 195
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 20.3 MB

This book systematically establishes the almost periodic theory of dynamic equations and presents applications on time scales in fuzzy mathematics and uncertainty theory. The authors introduce a new division of fuzzy vectors depending on a determinant algorithm and develop a theory of almost periodic fuzzy multidimensional dynamic systems on time scales. Several applications are studied; in particular, a new type of fuzzy dynamic systems called fuzzy q-dynamic systems (i.e. fuzzy quantum dynamic systems) is presented. The results are not only effective on classical fuzzy dynamic systems, including their continuous and discrete situations, but are also valid for other fuzzy multidimensional dynamic systems on various hybrid domains. In an effort to achieve more accurate analysis in real world applications, the authors propose a number of uncertain factors in the theory. As such, fuzzy dynamical models, interval-valued functions, differential equations, fuzzy-valued differential equations, and their applications to dynamic equations on time scales are considered.