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Understandable Statistics: Concepts And Methods

  • Добавил: GoldPerson
  • Дата: 14-06-2019, 20:21
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Название: Understandable Statistics: Concepts And Methods
Автор: Brase C.H., Brase C.P.
Издательство: Cengage Learning
Жанр: Математика
Год издания: 2018
Страниц: 856
ISBN: 978-1-337-11991-7
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб

Двенадцатое издание пособия "Понятная статистика: концепции и методы" является тщательной, но доступной программой, призванной помочь студентам преодолеть свои опасения по поводу статистики. Авторы дают четкие указания и неформальные советы, показывая студентам связи между статистикой и миром. Чтобы усилить этот подход, книга объединяет реальные данные из различных источников, включая журналы, периодические издания, газеты и интернет. В двенадцатом издании по-прежнему рассматривается важность развития у учащихся навыков критического мышления и статистической грамотности с помощью специальных функций и упражнений по всему тексту. Использование графических калькуляторов, Excel, MINITAB и SPSS предполагается, хотя и не требуется. Обширные технологические ресурсы включают MindTap, онлайн-персонализированную среду обучения, которая сочетает в себе инструменты обучения студентов, такие как чтение, мультимедиа, мероприятия и оценки, в единый путь обучения.

12th Edition.
"Understandable Statistics: Concepts And Methods", Twelfth Edition, is a thorough yet accessible program designed to help students overcome their apprehensions about statistics. The authors provide clear guidance and informal advice while showing students the links between statistics and the world. To reinforce this approach, the book integrates real-life data from a variety of sources, including journals, periodicals, newspapers, and the Internet. The twelfth edition continues to address the importance of developing students' critical-thinking and statistical literacy skills through special features and exercises throughout the text. The use of graphing calculators, Excel, MINITAB, and SPSS is covered although not required. Extensive technology resources include MindTap, an online personalized learning environment that combines student learning tools like readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments into a single Learning Path.

Preface xv
Table of Prerequisite Material 1

Chapter 1. Getting Started 2
Fokus problem: Where Have All the Fire?ies Gone? 3
1.1 What Is Statistics? 4
1.2 Random Samples 13
1.3 Introduction to Experimental Design 22
Summary 32
Important Words & Symbols 32
Chapter Review Problems 33
Data Highlights: Group Projects 35
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 36
Using technology 37

Chapter 2 Organizing Data 40
Fokus problem: Say It with Pictures 41
2.1 Frequency Distributions, Histograms, and Related Topics 42
2.2 Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, and Time-Series Graphs 59
2.3 Stem-and-Leaf Displays 69
Summary 78
Important Words & Symbols 78
Chapter Review Problems 79
Data Highlights: Group Projects 82
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 84
Using technology 85

Chapter 3. Averages and Variation 88
Fokus problem: Water: Yellowstone River 89
3.1 Measures of Central Tendency: Mode, Median, and Mean 90
3.2 Measures of Variation 102
3.3 Percentiles and Box-and-Whisker Plots 121
Summary 132
Important Words & Symbols 132
Chapter Review Problems 133
Data Highlights: Group Projects 135
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 137
Using technology 138
Cumulative Review Problems: Chapters 1-3 139

Chapter 4. Elementary Probability Theory 142
Fokus problem: How Often Do Lie Detectors Lie? 143
4.1 What Is Probability? 144
4.2 Some Probability Rules—Compound Events 155
4.3 Trees and Counting Techniques 177
Summary 188
Important Words & Symbols 188
Chapter Review Problems 189
Data Highlights: Group Projects 191
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 193
Using technology 194

Chapter 5. The Binomial Probability. Distribution and Related Topics 196
Fokus problem: Personality Preference Types: Introvert or Extrovert? 197
5.1 Introduction to Random Variables and Probability Distributions 198
5.2 Binomial Probabilities 212
5.3 Additional Properties of the Binomial Distribution 229
5.4 The Geometric and Poisson Probability Distributions 242
Summary 260
Important Words & Symbols 260
Chapter Review Problems 261
Data Highlights: Group Projects 264
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 266
Using technology 268

Chapter 6. Normal Curves and Sampling Distributions 270
Fokus problem: Impulse Buying 271
Part I: Normal Distributions 272
6.1 Graphs of Normal Probability Distributions 272
6.2 Standard Units and Areas Under the Standard Normal Distribution 288
6.3 Areas Under Any Normal Curve 299
Part II: Sampling Distributions and the Normal Approximation to Binomial
Distribution 314
6.4 Sampling Distributions 314
6.5 The Central Limit Theorem 320
6.6 Normal Approximation to Binomial Distribution and to p? Distribution 332
Summary 343
Important Words & Symbols 344
Chapter Review Problems 344
Data Highlights: Group Projects 347
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 348
Using technology 350
Cumulative Review Problems: Chapters 4-6 354

Chapter 7. Estimation 358
Fokus problem: The Trouble with Wood Ducks 359
Part I: Estimating a Single Mean or Single Proportion 360
7.1 Estimating ? When ? Is Known 360
7.2 Estimating ? When ? Is Unknown 374
7.3 Estimating p in the Binomial Distribution 387
Part II: Estimating the Difference Between Two Means or Two Proportions 400
7.4 Estimating ?1 - ?2 and p1 - p2 401
Summary 423
Important Words & Symbols 423
Chapter Review Problems 424
Data Highlights: Group Projects 429
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 430
Using technology 432

Chapter 8. Hypothesis Testing 436
Fokus problem: Benford’s Law: The Importance of Being Number 1 437
Part I: Testing a Single Mean or Single Proportion 438
8.1 Introduction to Statistical Tests 438
8.2 Testing the Mean m 454
8.3 Testing a Proportion p 470
Part II: Testing a Difference Between Two Means or Two Proportions 481
8.4 Tests Involving Paired Differences (Dependent Samples) 481
8.5 Testing ?1 - ?2 and p1 - p2 (Independent Samples) 496
Summary 522
Finding the P-Value Corresponding to a Sample Test Statistic 522
Important Words & Symbols 523
Chapter Review Problems 524
Data Highlights: Group Projects 527
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 528
Using technology 529

Chapter 9. Correlation and Regression 532
Fokus problem: Changing Populations and Crime Rate 533
Part I: Simple Linear Regression 534
9.1 Scatter Diagrams and Linear Correlation 534
9.2 Linear Regression and the Coef?cient of Determination 552
9.3 Inferences for Correlation and Regression 573
Part II: Multiple Regression 593
9.4 Multiple Regression 594
Summary 610
Important Words & Symbols 610
Chapter Review Problems 611
Data Highlights: Group Projects 614
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 615
Using technology 616
Cumulative Review Problems: Chapters 7-9 618

Chapter 10. Chi-Square and F Distributions 622
Fokus problem: Archaeology in Bandelier National Monument 623
Part I: Inferences Using the Chi-Square Distribution 624
Overview of the Chi-Square Distribution 624
10.1 Chi-Square: Tests of Independence and of Homogeneity 625
10.2 Chi-Square: Goodness of Fit 640
10.3 Testing and Estimating a Single Variance or Standard Deviation 650
Part II: Inferences Using the F Distribution 663
Overview of the F Distribution 663
10.4 Testing Two Variances 664
10.5 One-Way ANOVA: Comparing Several Sample Means 673
10.6 Introduction to Two-Way ANOVA 689
Summary 701
Important Words & Symbols 701
Chapter Review Problems 702
Data Highlights: Group Projects 705
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 705
Using technology 707

Chapter 11. Nonparametric Statistics 710
Fokus problem: How Cold? Compared to What? 711
11.1 The Sign Test for Matched Pairs 712
11.2 The Rank-Sum Test 720
11.3 Spearman Rank Correlation 728
11.4 Runs Test for Randomness 739
Summary 748
Important Words & Symbols 748
Chapter Review Problems 748
Data Highlights: Group Projects 750
Linking Concepts: Writing Projects 751
Cumulative Review Problems: Chapters 10-11 752

Appendix I: Additional Topics 778
Part I: Bayes’s Theorem 778
Part II: The Hypergeometric Probability Distribution 782

Appendix II: Tables 786

Answers and Key Steps to Odd-Numbered Problems 816
Answers to Selected Even-Numbered Problems 850
Index 862

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