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Название: Programming C# 12: Build Cloud, Web, and Desktop Applications (3rd Early Release)
Автор: Ian Griffiths
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-03-11
Страниц: 1587
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 11.1 MB

C# is undeniably one of the most versatile programming languages available to engineers today. With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn just how powerful the combination of C# and .NET can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 12.0 and .NET 8 fundamentals and techniques for building cloud, web, and desktop applications. Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You'll get up to speed on .NET 8 and the latest C# 11.0 and 12.0 additions, including generic math, new polymorphism options, enhanced pattern matching, and new features designed to improve productivity. I have written this book for experienced developers—I’ve been programming for years, and I set out to make this the book I would want to read if that experience had been in other languages, and I were learning C# today. Whereas earlier editions explained some basic concepts such as classes, polymorphism, and collections, I am assuming that readers will already know what these are. The early chapters still describe how C# presents these common ideas, but the focus is on the details specific to C#, rather than the broad concepts.
Разместил: literator 10-05-2024, 06:52 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: История византийских войн
Автор: Хэлдон Дж.
Издательство: М.: Вече
Год: 2007
Cтраниц: 482
Формат: djvu
Размер: 14 мб
Язык: русский

Книга необычна по своей структуре и содержанию: под одной обложкой объединены два произведения одного автора, где рассказывается история Византии и её войн, рассчитанная на читателей, которых интересует нечто большее, чем романтизированная политическая история этой богатейшей страны. Прослеживаются тёмные и светлые времена «погибшей империи», выстоявшей в течение тысячи лет против натиска могущественных врагов и сохранившей и передавшей нам литературное и языковое наследие Древней Греции.
Разместил: umkaS 10-05-2024, 06:50 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Think Python: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist, 3rd Edition (Third Early Release)
Автор: Allen B. Downey
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-04-10
Страниц: 651
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Python is an excellent way to get started in programming, and this clear, concise guide walks you through Python a step at a time—beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to functions, data structures, and object-oriented design. This revised third edition reflects the growing role of large language models (LLMs) in programming and includes exercises on effective LLM prompts, testing code, and debugging skills. If you want to learn to program, you have come to the right place. Python is one of the best programming languages for beginners—and it is also one of the most in-demand skills. You have also come at the right time, because learning to program now is probably easier than ever. With virtual assistants like ChatGPT, you don’t have to learn alone. Throughout this book, I’ll suggest ways you can use these tools to accelerate your learning. This book is primarily for people who have never programmed before and people who have some experience in another programming language. If you have substantial experience in Python, you might find the first few chapters too slow.
Разместил: literator 10-05-2024, 06:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Prompt Engineering for Generative AI: Future-Proof Inputs for Reliable AI Outputs at Scale (5th Early Release)
Автор: James Phoenix, Mike Taylor
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-03-13
Страниц: 440
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 78.0 MB

Large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion have unprecedented potential. Because they have been trained on all the public text and images on the internet, they can make useful contributions to a wide variety of tasks. And with the barrier to entry greatly reduced today, practically any developer can harness LLMs and diffusion models to tackle problems previously unsuitable for automation. With this book, you'll gain a solid foundation in generative AI, including how to apply these models in practice. When first integrating LLMs and diffusion models into their workflows, most developers struggle to coax reliable enough results from them to use in automated systems. Authors James Phoenix and Mike Taylor show you how a set of principles called prompt engineering can enable you to work effectively with AI. The discipline of prompt engineering has arisen as a set of best practices for improving the reliability, efficiency, and accuracy of AI models.
Разместил: literator 10-05-2024, 05:51 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding and Generation (6th Early Release)
Автор: Jay Alammar, Maarten Grootendorst
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-03-21
Страниц: 227
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 11.0 MB

AI has acquired startling new language capabilities in just the past few years. Driven by the rapid advances in deep learning, language AI systems are able to write and understand text better than ever before. This trend enables the rise of new features, products, and entire industries. With this book, Python developers will learn the practical tools and concepts they need to use these capabilities today. One of the most common tasks in natural language processing, and machine learning in general, is classification. The goal of the task is to train a model to assign a label or class to some input text. Categorizing text is used across the world for a wide range of applications, from sentiment analysis and intent detection to extracting entities and detecting language. We can use an LLM to represent the text to be fed into our classifier. The choice of this model, however, may not be as straightforward as you might think. Models differ in the language they can handle, their architecture, size, inference speed, architecture, accuracy for certain tasks, and many more differences exist. BERT is a great underlying architecture for representing tasks that can be fine-tuned for a number of tasks, including classification. Although there are generative models that we can use, like the well-known Generated Pretrained Transformers (GPT) such as ChatGPT, BERT models often excel at being fine-tuned for specific tasks.
Разместил: literator 10-05-2024, 05:27 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Inter-Service Communication with Go: Mastering protocols, queues, and event-driven architectures in Go
Автор: Dušan Stojanović
Издательство: BPB Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 386
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book will cover different concepts of inter-service communication. They will be demonstrated through the Go programming language, its standard library, and popular third-party packages for concepts. Begin by understanding basic concepts such as clients, servers, and communication methods. Explore RESTful APIs and HTTP, the backbone of many systems. Learn about protocol buffers and gRPC for efficient data exchange. For asynchronous communication, discover message queuing with RabbitMQ and event-driven patterns with Redis. Lastly, explore event-driven architecture (EDA) and Apache Kafka for implementing this style of communication. Modern software architecture often consists of multiple services that communicate with each other. Designing and building efficient and performant inter-service communication is essential. Without it, a solution will not provide a proper user experience. The Go programming language has become the preferred language for backend services due to its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency support. A combination of well-designed inter-service communication systems and the Go programming language can create powerful software solutions. This book was created to provide a guide for multiple inter-service communication concepts, including their advantages, disadvantages, and typical uses. All presented concepts will be covered with practical examples and implementations in the Go programming language. Implementations combine the Go standard library and third-party packages (when the standard library does not support a specific concept or the third-party package provides a more efficient solution).
Разместил: literator 10-05-2024, 04:57 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Речные бобры
Автор: Лавров Л.С.
Издательство: Воронежское книжное изд-во
Год издания: 1961
Количество страниц: 56
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24,31 Мб

Книга Л.С. Лаврова о бобрах, о истории этого вида, который в начале XX века находился на грани исчезновения; о работе сотрудников Воронежского заповедника, сделавших все для того, чтобы бобр вновь стал обычным видом в реках Евразии. Леонид Сергеевич знал о бобрах всё и с любовью поведал об этом своим читателям — школьникам и студентам, преподавателям школ и вузов, любителям природы и просто любознательным людям всех возрастов.
Разместил: Knizhka01 10-05-2024, 00:19 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Paint & Draw Watercolours - 6th Edition 2024Название: Paint & Draw Watercolours - 6th Edition 2024
Издательство: Future PLC
Год: 2024
Страниц: 132
Формат: PDF
Размер: 101 MB
Язык: английский

Painting has always been considered a relaxing activity, and this is certainly true with watercolours. As your brush sweeps over the paper, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of calm, and that’s what has drawn so many people to the medium.
In Paint & Draw: Watercolours, it’s time to take this to the next level and improve your techniques. With tutorials on everything from colour theory to composing interesting scenes, it’s the perfect way to develop your skills while still having fun. Uncover how to create stunning fire effects, make the perfect harbour scene and fill in all of those minute details that will make your art really stand apart from the crowd.
Разместил: magnum 10-05-2024, 00:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Digital Photography The Complete Guide 2024Название: Digital Photography The Complete Guide
Издательство: Papercut Limited
Годмесяц: 2024
Страниц: 180
Формат: PDF
Размер: 120 MB
Язык: английский

Take Great Digital Photos Every Time! Filled with high-color photographs, How to Do Everything: Digital Photography shows you how to capture professional-quality photos using any digital camera. Learn how to take better pictures right away using a variety of techniques for photo composition, lighting, and creativity. You'll also get tips on photo editing, printing, and archiving, as well as avoiding common mistakes that result in poor-quality images. Improve your photographic skills in no time with help from this comprehensive, hands-on guide.
Разместил: magnum 9-05-2024, 23:44 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Вдалині
Автор: Ернан Діаз
Изд-во: «Фабула»
Год: 2019
Страниц: 352
Язык: українська
Формат: pdf/djvu
Размер: 16,17 Мб

Дебютний роман Ернана Діаза — зворушлива й глибока оповідь про самоту, інакшість та пошуки рідної душі. Її головний герой, Гокан, юний іммігрант зі Швеції, опиняється в Каліфорнії й вирушає у подорож із наміром пішки перетнути континент, щоб знайти свого випадково загубленого брата.
Так починається його мандрівка, що триватиме ціле життя. Дорогою він зустріне природознавців, злочинців, релігійних фанатиків, індіанців — колоритних персонажів Америки часів золотої лихоманки. Трагічний випадок перетворить Гокана на злочинця й героя водночас, назавжди змінивши і його самого, і плин його історії.
Діаз кидає виклик традиціям жанру вестерну та історичного роману, пропонуючи пронизливий погляд на стереотипи і легенди, якими повниться американське минуле, й змальовуючи портрет крайньої чужинності.
Разместил: Tetyanka_ 9-05-2024, 23:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

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